Love on the Ledge

Free Love on the Ledge by Zoraida Cordova

Book: Love on the Ledge by Zoraida Cordova Read Free Book Online
Authors: Zoraida Cordova
Tags: Romance, Contemporary
a plus one, so I’m offering my services. I’m not just a surgeon.” His voice drops down an octave and his eyes get that lazy look, like he’s ready to throw down in bed. “I’m an excellent date.”
    I signal the waitress for the check. It’s like my brain is throwing up flares that write “nope-nope-nope” in the sky. I reach for my purse.
    “Stop it,” he says pulling out a shiny black card that clinks on the glass table. The waitress takes it and brings it back. He signs with a flourish of his pen. His letters are bold and, unlike every other doctor’s signature I’ve seen, incredibly neat.
    “I’ll drive you home.”
    I shake my head. “I’m okay, I have some wedding things to take care of while I’m here.”
    “Do you need company?”
    “Some of the other bridesmaids are joining me.” I throw in as many wedding-related activities as possible to ensure that he won’t want to stick around.
    He pulls me into a hug and lets his hands slide down my waist. “I’m glad we’re neighbors again, Sky. I can’t wait to see more of your beautiful face.”

Chapter 12
    Leti and River pick me up. I’m holding a tray of black iced coffees. My phone buzzes with a text. It’s Lucky Pierce telling me she’s in town. My hands are too occupied to respond so I make a mental note to text her later.
    “How was your hot date?” Leti asks saucily.
    “He said he’d never cut up my face because I’m so gorgeous.” I hand them their coffees.
    River pulls out and starts driving. “Well if that isn’t romance, then I don’t know what is.”
    I shake the ice in my coffee before I take a sip. “Where is this restaurant?”
    We take a turn off the highway and drive for about five miles. We pass an old RV and nothing but trees.
    She pulls up her phone and holds the screen up to Leti’s face. “Read that.”
    “We passed it.”
    River makes a sharp right at the next exit and we turn around. We drive in a circle and still there’s nothing.
    “That’s not an address, River¸” I say, panic starting to flood through my veins.
    We do another round, this time slowing down a bit. I realize something.
    “What’s the name of the restaurant?”
    “Just his name. Luke’s.”
    “You mean, Luke’s HOT DOGS ?” I point to the RV parked off the highway. There are a few cars parked beside it and a bunch of beachgoers making a line at a window.
    “That’s Luke!” River shouts.
    “What were you doing when he told you he was a chef?”
    River shrugs. “I don’t know…he asked for my number or something.”
    “I’m sorry! He doesn’t look like he sells hot dogs off the side of the road.” River steps on the gas and we drive past the stand. With the windows down, we burst into a fit of laughter.
    When we’re quiet except for the sound of wind blowing through the car, I realize that we still don’t have a solution to the catering problem.
    “I’d just like to point out,” I say, “that this would only happen to us.”
    “Come on,” Leti says. “We have better luck than that. You have to put your desires into the Universe and the Universe will answer. You just have to be specific. Like with Hayden. Have you called him yet?”
    River catches my eyes in the rearview mirror. “I’m sorry, Sky. I tried.”
    “I know, baby.” I stare out the window. The wind makes my eyes feel dry, but even our failed mission raises my spirits in a way lunch with Xandro could not. “I’ll figure something out.”
    “Let me see the shell,” Leti says.
    I put up my feet on the armrest between them and wiggle my toes. “It’s a sand dollar, and I’m not saying a word.”
    “What are you going to do about it?”
    I take a sip of my bitter coffee. “That’s between me and the Universe.”
    • • •
    After River’s catering lead failed epically, we returned home to join my family around the pool. River tells me to stay calm. We’re going to find something, even if it means buying two

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