Shades of Doon

Free Shades of Doon by Carey Corp

Book: Shades of Doon by Carey Corp Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carey Corp
Tags: Ebook
wide gaze of the tiny girl looking over her father’s shoulder. I smiled and waved as the light enveloped us, so bright I was forced to close my eyes. Maybe after today, that little girl would always believe in miracles, even if she didn’t remember why.
    When I blinked, spots floated through my vision. I let go of Kenna’s hand and raced forward. Gleaming white castle turrets soared above a sea of apple- and pumpkin-colored leaves. The unmistakable slate, white-capped mountains of Doon rose in the distance. My chest expanded and I pushed out the air I’d been holding in my lungs.
    Kenna squealed as she tackled me in a bear hug. We danced around in a circle and then rushed off the bridge arm in arm. We ran — or jogged, in Kenna’s case — through the burnt-out woods of the Brig o’ Doon path, still barren since our recent encounter with the Eldritch Limbus, all the way back to the main road.
    Kenna bent over to catch her breath, while I repositioned the bag slanted across my chest.
    “You know Analisa’s opening a kick-boxing gym in town. We could join together.”
    I blinked innocently as she gave me the stink eye. Such was every conversation we had regarding her physical conditioning.
    “You might get to punch Analisa . . .” I tempted as we began to walk.
    “Now that I could get behind.”
    “Do you really hate her so much?”
    Kenna paused before answering. “Hate is a strong word. Let’s just say I distrust her.”
    “Speaking of trust . . . I hate to do this, but when we find the guys, let’s not blurt out the whole story of what happened atonce.” Kenna bit her lip, so I said it for her. “Yes, okay? If I don’t ease Jamie into it, he’ll put me on complete lockdown.”
    I wasn’t complaining. Jamie MacCrae loved me with a commitment and intensity that I’d craved my entire life. His protective instincts where I was concerned just required a bit of finessing.
    “Is there a safe room in the castle?” She threw me a cautious expression. “I’m not criticizing Jamie, I just want to be able to find you after he locks you up.”
    I laughed, but didn’t state the obvious — that if any safety measures were taken, she’d be with me. “Actually, the castle keep is a panic room of sorts. Before Doon was separated from our world, it was where the Laird and his family would hole up during a siege. You know that old, dark dining hall off the throne room?” Kenna nodded, her cheeks flaming up. “I see Duncan’s already introduced you to that part of the castle.”
    She shrugged and lengthened her stride.
    “So this is how I can get you to speed up.” I jogged to reach her side. “When did you two investigate the keep?”
    She walked faster. I laughed and caught up to her again.
    As the sun began its slow descent toward the mountains, I shivered in my thin sweater, and my feet began to drag as my adrenaline faded into exhaustion. Surely a cart or horse would come by soon and we could hitch a ride the rest of the way to the village. I hated the thought that Jamie and the others might be worried about us.
    Kenna rubbed her arms and turned to me. “Can we take a brea — ”
    But her words were drowned out by approaching horses. Moving fast. I grabbed Kenna’s arm and pulled her off to the side as two riders rounded the bend at a gallop. Broad shouldered and regal, one light headed and the other dark. I instantlyrecognized the MacCrae brothers and threw my arms in the air to wave them down. Jamie turned in our direction, his tawny hair pushed off the strong bones of his face, a familiar, fierce determination in every line of his body.
    “Our knights in shining armor have arrived,” Kenna cried as she hopped up and down beside me.
    They might not have been wearing armor, but as my prince pulled his mighty steed to a stop, its massive hooves clawing the air before he swung his leg over the horse’s back and leapt to the ground in one fluid motion, I almost swooned. I was in his arms in an

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