Jayden (Aces MC Series Book 4.5)

Free Jayden (Aces MC Series Book 4.5) by Aimee-Louise Foster

Book: Jayden (Aces MC Series Book 4.5) by Aimee-Louise Foster Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aimee-Louise Foster
don't need to apologise girls, I know in here that you would've done
anything to protect me." I banged my chest with a clenched fist. "I
need to get up girls, will you help me?"
They nodded and placed their hands on my arms and in my armpit to help me balance
and get to my feet. Becky bent down to retrieve the sheet and helped to wrap it
around me to cover my modesty, not that it mattered after everything being on
show last night.
I hobbled to the bathroom ignoring the pitying looks from the other women, they
had no right to talk or even look at me after their lack of support last night.
I wouldn't care if I thought I'd receive the hiding of a life time, if I saw
someone being raped and savagely attacked I would do everything within my power
to help them.
"Thank you girls, I'll take it from here." They smiled and stopped in
their tracks allowing me to go into the bathroom alone. In here, I was able to
turn on the light and see the extent of the damage caused by the beating. The
bruising had already come out and my face looked a mess from the swelling, I
removed the sheet and looked at my body noticing every mark left from the
assault including the bruising between my thighs. I still didn't understand why
he would want to hurt me, if I was one of his most regularly used girls. I
obviously couldn't be sent to work now looking like this, punters wouldn't pay
money for girls looking like crack addicts and that their pimp had just beaten
the shit out of them or was that his plan? If I couldn't work then I wouldn't
be seeing 'army boy', which I think, would please him. I felt a fluttering
sensation in my stomach and knew it was regarding Jayden. I sighed as I pulled
the sheet up to cover my body, I'd already seen enough.
    "Morning ladies!" I
heard Jackal's voice as I walked into the room.
"Oh dear, look what the cat dragged in!" He stated laughing at his own
joke. I didn't move any further, my head was spinning so I leaned against the
cold brickwork to steady myself. "I know it's early ladies but we have a
private function today so we're going on a road trip." He smiled and
lifted his hands in the air, I think almost expecting a round of applause. His
expression changed quickly to a frown, "Aren't you excited girls?"
There was an uncomfortable silence and a tumbleweed moment. I pushed off the
wall and walked further into the room with a don't give a shit attitude. After
what had happened to me last night I was beyond caring what they could do to
hurt me.
"Do you really expect them to be pleased about going on a road trip with
you?" I saw the women's heads spin around in my direction and the
expression on Jackal's face change, he looked almost intrigued by my outburst.
"Oooh the pussycat has claws." He mimicked a clawing cat and stepped
closer with a glint in his eye. "Don't stop there babe, why don't you get
everything off that pretty chest of yours."
This was my moment to give him a piece of my mind and I wasn't going to hold
back. "You kidnap young women, taking them from loving families, treat
them like shit and pimp our arses out to feed your fucking habit, and all the
time you want us to act like we're fucking grateful! Well I ain't fucking
grateful for you ripping me away from my loved ones, for making me shag
disgusting men and making me feel that death would be a better option than
spending any more time with you!" By the time I'd finished ranting I had
walked over to Jackal and was poking him in the chest with every word that I
was saying. A few of the girls had now stood and were watching the altercation
with curiosity, wondering what his next move may be.
"The difference is babe I don't give a fuck about you, you, you or
you." He stated pointing at several of the girls. "It's business,"
he shrugged. "You have a service to offer, I can find someone willing to
buy it, it makes great business sense. If you don't like it though babe you
know where the door is but remember by the time you either get home or inform
the police

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