Lily's Outlaw (Once a Marine, Always a Marine Book 2)

Free Lily's Outlaw (Once a Marine, Always a Marine Book 2) by Kori David

Book: Lily's Outlaw (Once a Marine, Always a Marine Book 2) by Kori David Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kori David
to have the reality. It was more than she’d ever imagined. And when he slid home inside her, it was the freaking Fourth of July. Starbursts of pleasure bloomed behind her eyes. Her back arched as he thrust into her, filling her in a way no man ever had. It wasn’t just his delicious size. It was the reverence with which he took her. Touching her, kneading her body, moving her to meet his demands.
    “You feel so good. Jesus, you’re responsive.”
    She opened her eyes and reached up to palm his jaw. “You’re the one that feels amazing.”
    The rasp of his beard made her fingers tingle, but it was his eyes that held her. They blazed into her as he rocked in and out, the low rumble of his pleasure heightening her own. The pressure built as he laced his fingers with hers and held her hands above her head. His chest rubbed her sensitized nipples making her gasp and then moan. Even the smell of their bodies, slick with desire and sweat increased her satisfaction.
    “Put your legs around me,” he rasped, before kissing her deeply.
    When she complied, it changed the angle of his thrusts and she felt every hard inch of him as he increased his pace. All she could do was hang on to this lion of a man as he took her to a place beyond pleasure. She sucked in a breath because he was hitting a spot so deep within her that she thought she might faint from the intensity.
    “That’s it, sweetheart. Come for me.”
    “Oh God, Jesse. It’s too much,” she panted. But he didn’t stop and she couldn’t imagine what she would have done if he had. “Kiss me.”
    In a move she’d never even dreamed of, he sat up on his knees taking her with him and never leaving her body. They were both upright and she was draped over his powerful thighs. His arms were around her back as he thrust up into her, hands tangled in her hair. He pulled her head back and kissed up the column of her throat. She scratched his back with her nails, trying to make him lose control.
    “Come with me,” she gritted out, trying to hold on.
    “Now, Lily.”
    The command followed by his kiss as he rocked into her harder pushed her over the edge. Her body tensed and then blew apart in a volcanic explosion. Sensation shot up from her core into her nipples, making them harden into throbbing points. Bright yellow and orange spots floated in her vision, and still Jesse took her.
    Jesse thrust harder and then growled out his own release. She could feel her inner muscles contracting around him as he pulsed inside her. The force of his release triggered an aftershock that rippled through already exhausted limbs. Her thighs shook and she felt weak and strong at the same time.
    “You amaze me, woman.”
    Lily grinned and rewarded him with another kiss. “I think you’re a revelation.”
    And he was. Sex had never been so fun. So tender. So overwhelmingly passionate. It was everything she’d ever read about in books or seen on the movies, but never experienced.
    It was just too bad that she’d probably never see him again.  

Chapter 8

    “Phoenix Police headquarters, El Jefe. She could be inside.”
    Ramon shook his head. No, this was the work of the man that puta was with. This man had some skills and was beginning to annoy him. “She is not there. They have found the tracking device and are playing a little game with us.”
    Ramon rubbed his chin. There was no way to find the woman in such a large place. But she was bound to go home at some point. And probably soon. When an animal is hurt or in danger, it always returns to a safe place. And women were weak and predictable. Yes, she would go home and hide.
    “Meet us at the airport. We have an errand to run and then we are flying to Texas.”
    He disconnected the call. Nodding to his driver, they pulled away from the curb. It was time to stop chasing and start planning ahead. And the first thing on that list was to begin tying up other loose ends. Then, and only then, would he

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