Destined for Doon

Free Destined for Doon by Carey Corp

Book: Destined for Doon by Carey Corp Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carey Corp
Tags: Ebook
straightened and lowered her hands. “I would love that.”
    A quiet warning pinged in the back of my mind telling me I had no clue as to her qualifications for the role or even if we would get along, but when I saw the stark gratitude shining from her face, I pushed aside my doubts. “Then the job is yours.”
    “Oh, thank you, Queen Veronica!” Emily threw her arms around me in a tight hug. “I promise I won’t let you down.”
    She released me with a tearful sniffle, and I noticed Jamie hovering behind us. His posture ridged, his expression like granite. Not a good sign.
    “We have to go.” He took the back of my chair and slid it out. “Now.”
    Startled, I shot to my feet. “What — ?”
    Sharron Rosetti, one of the owners of the tavern, rushed over to us. “They seem ta be content to loiter outside. Fer now.”
    “Who?” I demanded. “Will someone tell me what’s going on?”
    Jamie ignored me. “Where’s Mario?”
    Sharron’s normally rosy cheeks were washed of color as she whispered, “He’s out there with some of my boys and Gideon, tryin’ ta reason with them.”
    My gaze flew to Jamie. “Gideon?” The former captain of the guard had been doing everything within his power to prove his loyalty to the crown after being released from the witch’s power, but I wasn’t yet sure if I could trust him.
    “Aye. He’s trying to talk them down.”
    I glanced toward the front of the tavern. Jerky, agitated bodies milled about in front of the windows. As the room hushed and people peered outside, the sound of their raised voices resounded in the tavern. My stomach tightened. They were chanting, “Not our queen!”
    “What can I do?” The Australian shot to his feet. Judging from his wiry muscles and dark tan, he hadn’t spent his entire life indoors fiddling with his inventions. Analisa stood beside him, her narrowed eyes flashing like a jungle cat’s. “Come on. We’ll sort them out.” She punched him on the arm as they headed toward the door.
    “Wait!” My two would-be-defenders stopped and turned at the sound of my voice. “I’ll go speak to them.”
    “No.” Jamie’s voice was as unyielding as stone as he stepped in front of me, his eyes turbulent. “I’m sorry, Verranica, but I canna allow you to go out there. These are some of the same men who attacked us outside this verra tavern not three months past. And they’re drunk and wantin’ trouble.”
    “How many are there?”
    “A half dozen, but — ”
    “I’m their queen. It doesn’t matter if there are six or six hundred. They’ll never respect me if I run away.” I gripped Jamie’s arm. “I need to face them.”
    “Then I’ll have my men round them up and bring them to your throne room in chains.”
    “That wouldn’t do any good at all! If I talk to them, I know I can make them see that I only want what’s best for Doon.” How could I get through to this bullheaded boy? He was only trying to protect me. But protection was not what I needed. “If you arrest them it would just prove their point.”
    “And I’d prove mine. They canna get away with this foolhardy behavior,” Jamie practically snarled.
    “You can go with me.” I tilted my head with a slow smile and stepped toward him while looking up into his eyes. “They won’t hurt me if you’re there.”
    As soon as the words left my mouth, I wished I could take them back. My mom had a history of changing for the various men in her life. Like a chameleon, she would become whatever her current boyfriend needed — from instant vegan to NASCAR fan to marathon runner. But when Janet really wanted something, she’d manipulate them with a cute smile and a bat of her eyelashes. Exactly what I’d just done.
    I watched in horror as Jamie’s face softened and his shoulders relaxed in response to my flirtation. But it only took a moment before he snapped back to attention and took my arm.
    “Right. And what if I’m no’ in the right place to take a blow to

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