No River Too Wide

Free No River Too Wide by Emilie Richards

Book: No River Too Wide by Emilie Richards Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emilie Richards
neighborhood. He’s living in a condo, and Maddie, my daughter, and I needed more room, so we bought his place, although he still uses the workshop out back, so he’s around a lot. Maddie’s eleven. We have an extra bedroom where you can stay.”
    “I couldn’t—”
    Taylor suddenly realized how ideal this could be. “Look, it’s not charity. Please don’t think of it that way. Maddie and I fought all the way over here because she hates the way I drag her to classes and meetings. I’m renovating an old warehouse, and turning it into a health and wellness center, and I can’t leave Maddie alone at night if I have to go over to the site or teach a class. Sometimes my dad or her father’s parents can stay with her, and sometimes she can go to a friend’s house. But on school nights that’s not a great idea. She thinks she’s too old for a babysitter. But if you were staying with us, anyway...” She let her voice trail off.
    “Mom, that would work, wouldn’t it?” Harmony was pleading. “Taylor’s a good half hour away from here. If we were really careful we could still see each other sometimes. And I would know where you were and how you were doing. It’s perfect.”
    “And if Rex finds me at your house?” Jan asked Taylor.
    The silence was heavy for a moment, until Taylor sat forward. “We live in a neighborhood with people all around us. And you said yourself he’s only violent with his own family.”
    “That’s not a guarantee.”
    “He was never violent in public,” Harmony said. “I think—” She stopped.
    “What?” Taylor asked.
    Harmony looked at her mother. “If he located you and wanted to hurt you, Mom, he would make sure to get you off by yourself. He wouldn’t do it in front of anybody else or anywhere he might get caught. I don’t think there’s a chance he would want anybody to see or know what he’d done unless there was no other choice. He’s too smart to risk hurting strangers.”
    “It’s taking too big a risk.”
    Taylor’s mind was whirling. “Isn’t anywhere a risk? Are you going to live by yourself for the rest of your life because he might find you and hurt somebody in your house, or on your block, or in your city? You’ll always be near somebody. This is as good a situation as there is. We’ll be alert, and we’ll be careful, plus he’s got to realize that by now all kinds of people must know the story behind your escape, so he would be the first suspect if anything happened to any of us. I’ll get a security system. And if people are watching him in...” She looked at Harmony for help.
    “Topeka,” Taylor said, “then with luck we’ll have warning if he leaves town, so we can be extra vigilant.”
    Jan was shaking her head. “You have a child? You want to expose her to this?”
    “I’ll tell you what. I’ll run this by a friend who knows more about this kind of thing than I do. But I think she’ll agree that Maddie and I aren’t taking much of a risk. If she doesn’t agree, we’ll figure out something else.”
    Jan still looked torn, but she didn’t say no.
    “How careful have you been?” Taylor asked. “How good is the trail that’s supposed to lead him out West if he looks for you?”
    Jan looked away. “It’s not complete yet. I...I left before we had everything in place.”
    “But?” Taylor heard that word in Jan’s voice.
    “The people who are helping me are very good,” she said at last.
    “They’ve done this before?”
    Jan nodded.
    “With success?”
    She nodded again.
    “Jan, I think you have to take another chance.” Taylor got to her feet and held out her arms for Lottie, who held out her own and went right into them. “You left this man and you arranged for help to do it. You made it all the way here to be with Harmony and see your granddaughter. You’re resourceful and obviously careful, and you’re being helped by people who are both, as well. We can be both, too. Don’t sell yourself short,

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