Tainted Love: A Lovestruck Novella, Book 1

Free Tainted Love: A Lovestruck Novella, Book 1 by Lane Hart, Aaron Daniels, Editor's Choice Publishing

Book: Tainted Love: A Lovestruck Novella, Book 1 by Lane Hart, Aaron Daniels, Editor's Choice Publishing Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lane Hart, Aaron Daniels, Editor's Choice Publishing
Tags: Romance, Paranormal, New Adult & College
and threaten to fire me if I’m a second late.”
    “Fuck you,” I mutter in response, turning around to face him. “Besides, firing two guys in one week would be an asshole move, even for me.”
    “Two?” he says in surprise while pulling on coveralls over his street clothes. “Who got the ax? Blake for being a no-show or Todd for being a fuck up?”
    “The fuck up.”
    “Good riddance,” he replies with a chuckle. “Todd was worthless. My little sister knows more about an engine.”
    “No doubt,” I laugh. “She looking for a job?”
    “Possibly,” he says, lowering the Mercedes on the lift.
    “Well, shit, if you think she can hack it, get her in here. Otherwise, I’m gonna have to post an ad, then do interviews and all that annoying bullshit.”
    “I’ll ask her and let you know. She’s about to graduate high school, so she could use the money before she starts college this fall.”
    Watching Ryan, I look for his smirk, making sure he’s not fucking with me. “You’re serious about your sister?” I ask.
    “As a heart attack,” he replies. “Carly learned from the best --- me, of course.” He laughs, gesturing to himself. The kid does know his shit.
    It’s a short-term solution, but if it saves me the headache of finding a replacement right now, then so be it.
    “Tell her to be here after school today; and if she can show me she’s got skills, she’s hired.”
    “Awesome,” he replies, pulling his phone from his pocket coverall pocket. “I’ll text her now.”
    “Then get your ass to work,” I bark before glancing over at the clock. Ten after. “And where the fuck is Blake?”

Chapter Eight
    For the love of Jesús! Walking to get my coffee, I’m practically dancing along to the song stuck in my head, the one about seeing clearly now that the rain is gone. It’s gonna be a bright…well, you get the idea.
    I’ve been like this, in some sort of alternate, happy-go-lucky universe since Lawson dropped me off at work. Knowing I’ll see him this afternoon, and hoping he makes a move after this morning’s naughty banter, well, of course I’m walking on sunshine and all that nonsense.
    “Good morning!” I say brightly to Clarissa as I watch her make a pot of coffee.
    “Morning! Someone’s awfully cheery today,” she says with a smile as she looks me over from head to toe.
    “That I am,” I agree leaning my back against the breakroom counter.
    “Well, spill, bitch,” she teases.
    “Oh, I intend to, but we might as well wait for the other two hens so I don’t have to repeat myself.”
    “True,” she agrees. “Do not spill unless I’m present,” she warns with narrowed eyes.
    “Yes, ma’am,” I agree, standing tall and giving her a mock salute. “My lips are sealed.”
    “They better be,” she mutters before leaving to man her desk at the front of the building.
    My boss is, of course, MIA this morning. Not surprising since the last few days have been busy. In his mind, he’s served his time this week, so I doubt I’ll see him again before Monday. Probably need to check his calendar to make sure there’s nothing on to be sure.
    I’ve just made it back to my boss’s desk to do just that, seeing that thankfully he can have a long weekend, when Clarissa buzzes the phone in our office.
    “Yes?” I ask.
    “You busy? Reagan’s on line two.”
    “Nope, got it,” I tell her before pressing the extension and picking up the receiver.
    “Hey, girl. What’s up?” I ask.
    “What’s up? What’s up ?” she repeats vehemently. “You were supposed to call me this morning so that I could be sure that the stranger in your house didn’t murder you last night!”
    “Oh. In that case, I definitely haven’t been murdered,” I reply, twirling the long phone cord in my fingers. “Sorry, but I didn’t have my car, and Lawson wanted to get breakfast, so we ate at Herbie’s before he dropped me off at work.”
    “He stayed the night and you had

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