Alien Mate 2

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Book: Alien Mate 2 by Eve Langlais Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eve Langlais
Tags: Romance
claimed her lips fiercely. “You are coming because I want you with me.” Lowering his head, he kissed her again, a sweet embrace that he hoped relayed exactly how he felt.
    But when he raised his head, her face remained determined.
    “You don’t want to come with me?” he asked in a voice tinged with disbelief.
    Tears flooded her gaze. “Of course I do, idiota, but if you come back with the wrong mate, what will happen to you? I will not be the reason you are punished.”
    Silly woman. Did she not yet realize that not being with her was the worst punishment anyone could mete out?
    Bobbing lights appeared in the distance, as did the baying sound of dogs and growling of motors. He’d run out of time to convince and get her to come of her free will. So taking a page from his ancient ancestors, he ignored her protests and, hoisting her up, flung her over his shoulder and jogged to his ship.
    She bounced and jiggled as he ran, and he could hear her swearing up a storm behind him as she pummeled him half-heartedly.
    “Lex! I will not let you ruin your life for me.” He gave her smack on her tempting bottom, which made her squeak.
    “Quiet, woman. I don’t care what my orders were. I will have no other, so they’d better accept my choice because I am not changing my mind.” She quieted after that, and when he put her down finally in the cleansing chamber that would decontaminate them, she just looked at him with wide eyes.
    “Computer,” said Lex, “get us out of here.”
    “Right away, Captain, and may I say congratulations on completing your mission.”
    Lex didn’t correct the computer. As far as he was concerned, his mission was a complete success. He’d found his mate, and as soon as they both got naked, he intended to make it official.

    Alien Mate 2
    Eve Langlais

Chapter Twelve

    Maya stood frozen, afraid if she moved or spoke, the dream might shatter. Lex wanted her. Not just that, he was taking her into space. She wished she could say she felt bad that he’d failed his people, but a selfish part of her was cheering madly. He’d chosen her!
    And now he was getting naked. ¡Dios mío.
    “Take off your clothes, Maya,” he said, his blue, muscled body approaching led by his erect cock.
    “But . . .”
    “Get naked for me.”
    His eyes glowed with desire, and Maya shivered. With shaking hands, she tried to undress. Lex let out an impatient sound and, using his strong hands, ripped her dress in half and in seconds had her panties gone. Naked before him, coiling heat coursed through her, and she licked her lips in anticipation.
    He groaned. “Hold that thought. First, we need to do something.”
    “What?” she asked. They were both naked. What could they possibly need to do first?
    “Maya, will you bond with me?”
    “I-I will.” Screw his mission. He’d made his choice clear. She could do no less, and no matter what happened, at least they’d be together.
    “We need to kneel,” Lex said dropping to the floor in front of her. She followed suit, and when he put his hands up, palms facing her, she aped him and placed her hands against his much larger ones. A tingle shot through her, almost like an electrical current.
    “Repeat after me,” said Lex, his eyes solemn. “My life, my soul, I pledge to thee.”
    Her throat tight with tears of joy, Diana spoke in a whisper. “My life, my soul, I pledge to thee.”
    “Forever joined for eternity.”
    As soon as Maya repeated the words, staring into Lex’s beautiful eyes, a jolt hit her. She heard a loud crack, and energy thrummed throughout her being and into Lex and back again, like a completed circuit that joined their souls forever more as one. Maya had the sense of coming home, and the closeness, not to mention love she could feel, overwhelmed her. And made her hornier than she’d ever been.
    As if of one mind, they dove onto each other. Hungry lips met and opened wide to allow their tongues to clash. Maya’s feverish body met the even

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