Alien Mate 2

Free Alien Mate 2 by Eve Langlais

Book: Alien Mate 2 by Eve Langlais Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eve Langlais
Tags: Romance
way through the crowd to them. Lex began scanning the area around them and barely registered Amanda’s next words.

    Alien Mate 2
    Eve Langlais
    “I’m going to make sure you and the Latina you’ve infected are locked away, unable to hurt or convert any other humans.” Lex froze at her words. Was she implying that Maya was in danger? He’d no sooner thought that than he heard Maya’s scream.
    “Run, Lex!” she cried. “It’s a trap.”
    Not without her, he wasn’t. Rage that these humans would mistreat his woman coursed through his body. Shoving Amanda to the side, and not feeling an ounce of regret for she stood in his way, he charged through the crowd toward the commotion he could see over the tops of the shorter humans’ heads.
    A snarl emerged when he saw Maya struggling between two soldiers, cursing at them colorfully in Spanish instead of fainting like a normal woman. When one of them backhanded her, Lex lost it completely. The knives he’d brought as a “just in case” came swirling out. Around him people screamed and stampeded away. The soldiers’ eyes went wide as saucers as he came at them, blades flashing. Letting go of Maya, they grabbed for their firearms. Too slow.
    Lex, in a whirling dance he’d learned as soon as he could walk, incapacitated them with sharp knocks to the backs of their heads. He didn’t kill them out of courtesy to Maya, who might not like to see the blood of her fellow earthlings spilled no matter their violent intent. Their unconscious bodies slumped to the ground just as Maya grabbed him by the arm and tugged at him.
    “We’ve got to go.”
    “Are you okay?” he asked following her through the thinning crowd.
    “Yes,” she panted. “Quick. You’ve got to get out of here.” Now there was an understatement. Uniformed personnel came pouring from all around, their guns cocked and aimed at them, but not firing—yet.

    * * * *
    Amanda watched gleefully as the blue alien tried to run with his mind-controlled human slave. They wouldn’t go far. The place was surrounded.
    Her father, the general, would be so proud. Disgusting alien creature. She still couldn’t understand why her former best friend and now this simpleminded Latina fell for them. It had to be an alien virus or psychic power of some type. What else could explain their behavior? She certainly felt nothing except disgust for the ET.

    Alien Mate 2
    Eve Langlais
    Impatient at having to wait, she wished the damned civilians would get out of the way faster. She couldn’t give the order for her detachment to shoot the tranqs they were armed with ’til they had a clear shot. Too many witnesses and flashing cameras.
    But, she wasn’t worried. There was nowhere for them to go. Not unless he suddenly sprouted wings. And that’s when the universe decided to work against her.

    Alien Mate 2
    Eve Langlais

Chapter Eleven

    Panic fluttered in Maya’s chest as she saw the trap closing around them, the ranks of soldiers forming an impenetrable wall. This is all my fault. I should have known that puta could not be trusted. She’d made a stupid decision, all in the name of doing what was right, and now she needed to fix it.
    Mami and Papi, if you are watching and listening, help me find a way to save him.
    She and Lex continued running towards the edge of the festival grounds, where she hoped the row of troops would be thinner, and that’s when she saw it, the answer to her prayers. One huge inflated balloon with a basket was tethered and their ticket out of danger. The sign beside it said “Take your sweetheart for a night flight and show her the stars like she’s never seen before.” Maya almost laughed, but instead she dragged Lex towards the balloon.
    “The balloon,” she panted. “Get into the basket, and cut the ropes.” The crowd had gotten thinner here, and Maya could see the soldiers stopping to take aim.
    “Duck,” she screamed.
    Lex instead, in a move too quick to see, flashed a

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