Owned by the Mob Boss

Free Owned by the Mob Boss by Ashley Hall

Book: Owned by the Mob Boss by Ashley Hall Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ashley Hall
me you’ve heard voices, that you didn’t hear me talk to the bodyguard either now or earlier.
    “Like a rock. Didn’t dream, hardly moved. I actually feel a little better today.”
    I exhaled a sigh of relief. Hearing this made leaving slightly better. Nothing would make it completely better, so I would take what I could get.
    I reached to help her mom sit up, but she waved me away and was able to sit up all by herself.
    I handed her the tray and waited for her mom to eat some of her food before clearing my throat. “Mom?”
    “Yes?” My mom glanced up at me, and for the first time in a long while, I saw some of the strength my mom used to have, back before she got sick. She raised an eyebrow. “What do you have to tell me?”
    I forced a laugh. “You act like I’m about to confess to sneaking out or something.”
    “You did seem a little guilty. What is it?”
    “It’s not guilt, Mom,” I said. Or maybe just a little bit. I sat beside her mom. “I got a new job.”
    “You did? What’s the catch?”
    “It’s in another city,” I lied. No way could I tell my mom the truth. Eventually, Mom would realize I was pregnant and then realize I didn’t have a baby, but I would work around that later. “I’ll be gone for days at a time, but don’t worry. I’ll be back to take you to all of your chemo appointments.”
    It was so hard to say all of this, to hide the real reason for my going away, to leave my mom behind, but what choice did I have? My mom needed to focus on getting better. She didn’t need to worry about money. That was all on me. I would do whatever it took to ensure my mom didn’t miss a single chemo appointment.
    “I have my good days and my bad days, and either way, I’ll be fine.” My mom had stopped eating the moment I started to talk, but now she resumed eating her breakfast. “You do what you want to do. I hate that I’ve been such a burden on you—”
    “You aren’t a burden!” I hugged her hard. “Don’t ever say that.”
    My mom looked away and lowered her toast to the plate. “I never thought you would have to be the one to take care of me. That’s my job.”
    “You can’t blame yourself for getting sick. It’s all right. We’ll get through this. You’ll get better, and then you can go back to being the mom again, and yell at me if I turn the TV up too loud.”
    My mom didn’t crack a smile at the joke. Actually, one of the first things I had cut back on was cable.
    “Or if I stay out too late or sleep over at a guy’s place.”
    My mom stared at me now. “You do need to find yourself a man, one who can take care of you.”
    I did find a guy, but he’s not the kind you bring home to meet ma, and he’s not the kind you’ll approve of, Mom.
    “Not the usual guys you date either,” my mom continued. “One with a steady job with good income. One who wants to settle down and start a family.”
    I snorted.
    My mom narrowed her eyes. “Snorting isn’t the kind of sound a guy wants to hear.”
    “Mom!” I laughed. “You must be feeling better.”
    “Yes, well…” My mom paled slightly, and she drank some tea. “If you have to go, go. I don’t want to hold you back, Rachel.”
    “Thanks, Mom.” I gave her one last hug that ended up being a long one because I couldn’t bring myself to let go at first. Be strong, Rachel. I pulled away, stood, and managed to walk to the door without looking back.
    But then my mom called out to me. “Promise me one thing, Rachel.”
    “Anything.” I turned around and waited expectantly.
    “Don’t put your life on hold for me. Okay?”
    I hesitated.
    “And don’t you dare stop living if I die,” my mom added firmly. “I want you to have everything life has to offer. Okay? Promise me.”
    “Mom! I can’t—”
    “Promise me.”
    “Fine. I’ll promise if you promise not to

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