Baby, It's You (Uncharted SEALs Book 5)

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Book: Baby, It's You (Uncharted SEALs Book 5) by Delilah Devlin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Delilah Devlin
Tags: Fiction, Romance
    “You don’t think this is happening too fast?” he whispered.
    She glared. “This morning, I told myself I should keep my distance. Not let my attraction lead me down this road again.” She gave a little shrug. “By mid-morning, I was there with you in the ravine, taking off my clothes. But fast? Carter, I’ve been waiting for years.”
    “I’m sorry.”
    She lifted her hand and put her forefinger over his lips. “Shut up. I don’t want an apology. I know what kept you away. And it wasn’t me. I didn’t play in that decision at all.” I wasn’t important enough to you, asshole. I get it. “We already agreed. We have this.” She reached downward and stroked his cock. “I want this.”
    An expression crossed his face, one she couldn’t name. But then he smiled. Maybe it was a little thin, maybe strained, but she knew he was interested. The proof leapt in her hand.
    “Put me inside you,” he said, his voice thrilling in its darkness.
    Without hesitating, she drew him downward, slid the tip through her folds, then flexed her hips to lift herself. He slid inside.
    Just an inch. Enough. He was there.
    Pretty little Melanie didn’t know it, but she was playing with fire. It felt like forever since he’d fucked anything other than his own fist. One thrust and he’d be deep inside her. She was ready for it—hot, wet, her pussy tightening around him…
    He slumped against her. “Wait.”
    Her nails dug into his backside. “No!”
    “Condom,” he ground out.
    “I don’t care.”
    “Well, I do.” He pulled free and rolled to his back. “Nightstand.”
    She grumbled, but moved away, stretching to pull open the drawer, then swishing her hand around it until she pulled back. Moonlight struck the silver foil packet. She passed it to him.
    Carter quickly cloaked himself, then lay there a moment longer staring down at his dick. “Mel…”
    “Don’t you dare,” she said, her voice small, sounding far away although their shoulders touched.
    He turned his head toward her. “How do you know what I’m going to say?”
    “Because you sighed. Like your dad does when he has to tell Emmy something she’s not going to like.”
    He reached for her hand and gripped it tight. “We should wait.”
    “For what? Is anything going to change? Are you?”
    He squeezed her hand harder. “I want to do the right thing.”
    “There’s not a damn thing wrong with this. We’re consenting adults. You just took care of any unwanted consequences.”
    He didn’t like the bitterness in her voice. She’d shown a lot of courage coming to his room, opening herself up to be hurt by him again. He didn’t like disappointing her. “Emmy’s just down the hall. So’s my dad. And I don’t believe I’m saying this, but I want more, Mel.”
    She tried to snatch her hand away, but he didn’t let go. Instead, he forced her to her side, facing her away from him, and then scooted close. He let go of her hand and laid his arm over the curve of her waist. “Stay,” he whispered in her ear. “We both need sleep.”
    She remained stiff for a few minutes, but then she drew a deep breath and relaxed against him. “Don’t know how much sleep either of us is going to get,” she said.
    He smiled. “Promise he’ll stop poking at you.”
    A snicker shook her torso. “You’re still wearing a rubber.”
    “I’ll remove it. Later.” He nuzzled behind her ear. Surprisingly, he liked this—liked just holding her against his skin. “You smell like pie.”
    “Not the smoothest compliment I’ve ever received. It’s my shampoo—it’s peach scented.”
    “It’s nice.”
    He traced a finger down the side of her cheek, felt the groove from her injury. “Does it bother you?”
    “The scar?”
    “The memory…”
    She let out a long breath. “It’s just so sad. I don’t remember what happened after the flash of fire. I know I was in the hospital. I know they shipped me to Germany, then back to the States. That’s all

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