Baby, It's You (Uncharted SEALs Book 5)

Free Baby, It's You (Uncharted SEALs Book 5) by Delilah Devlin

Book: Baby, It's You (Uncharted SEALs Book 5) by Delilah Devlin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Delilah Devlin
Tags: Fiction, Romance
had resented him for it ever since. Not fair, she knew. But she couldn’t argue with her heart.
    When his tongue pushed against her closed lips, she couldn’t resist. She opened, moaning as he entered to slide against her tongue. Her breath caught. She edged closer to press a breast against his hard chest.
    His groan vibrated against her. He smoothed a hand along her side, slipping beneath her hip to caress one buttock.
    She wished there was a little less of her for him to mold, that she could be the kind of woman he’d want beyond this moment. She didn’t kid herself this time that he’d want more than a bed partner. She’d learned that lesson the hard way once before.
    When he moved again, this time sliding his fingers between her legs, she couldn’t breathe, waiting in agony until he touched her folds and slid a finger inside her.
    She cried out, too tense and excited to contain the sound.
    “Easy,” he whispered against her cheek. “I’m only starting.”
    She gave a nervous laugh. “I can’t help it. I’ll try to be quiet.”
    “Don’t. I need to hear you, baby. Fuck, you’re wet.” Again, he pressed his mouth to hers, rubbing in dizzying circles, mimicking the movement of that finger swirling inside her.
    Melanie trembled. She parted her thighs and raised her right knee, tilting her hips to take him deeper inside.
    But he pulled free.
    His mouth slid across her cheek. “Not a race.”
    They rested against each other as they both drew ragged breaths.
    “It hasn’t ever been like this for me, Mel.” He grabbed her hand and flattened it against his chest, right over his heart. “Feel how hard it’s pounding? That’s because of you.”
    “You don’t have to lie. I’m here. I’m willing.”
    “I’m not giving you some line.” His jaw hardened. “I wronged you. I know that. I was selfish and didn’t consider what you might be feeling when I took off. But I’ve thought about it ever since. I remembered how good and sweet it was with you.”
    She shook her head. “I don’t want—”
    “I know. You don’t want some guy who’s working on getting himself blown up. But I’m not him anymore.”
    “But you can’t say you won’t be there anyway. In some dangerous situation, far from here.”
    “There are no guarantees in this life, Mel. My mom wasn’t some SEAL stepping on a roadside bomb, and she’s just as dead.”
    “I don’t expect guarantees, but I have to think about more than me. I have a little girl to raise. She’s only just met you. What happens when she loves you and you’re gone?”
    Carter leaned his forehead against hers. “I don’t have the answers. Not yet. But I’m trying here. I think… I want to build something…with you.”
    Everything inside her yearned toward him. She’d dreamed for years of hearing him say something like this. And maybe she wasn’t being fair. He was a SEAL. Had trained hard. Survived, no doubt because he was so skilled. She could hardly expect him to throw away something he’d worked so hard to attain. Was she looking for excuses to protect her heart? Was she a coward? “Do we have to talk about it now?” she whispered.
    So, maybe she’d allowed just a little bit of a whine to escape in her voice, but she couldn’t still the excitement that held her on the edge, kept her shivering against him.
    “No, but we can’t deny what’s happening here. Not for long.”
    “Think Tilda might poison your coffee if she knew what we’re doing?”
    One corner of his mouth rose in a smirk. “She would if she knew all the nasty things I plan to do with you.”
    Her breath caught. “You’re nothing but a tease, Carter Vance.”
    “Think so? Dare you to say that again,” he whispered beside her ear.
    Just the rasp of his voice was enough to send a tingling thrill through her body. Her breasts tightened, her belly quivered anew, and moisture seeped to wet her inner thighs. “I need you inside me, Carter. Please don’t make me

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