The Witch of Napoli

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Book: The Witch of Napoli by Michael Schmicker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michael Schmicker
too.” Rossi insisted. “How do you explain that?
    I chimed in. “I heard the voice. A woman’s voice – an old woman.”
    Lombardi shook his head. “The psychological conditions conducive to a collective hallucination were strong last night. You desperately wished to see a miracle, and therefore you did.” He paused. “What I cannot understand is that I certainly did
, yet fell ill to the same hysteria.”
    Rossi pressed him. “And your explanation for Savonarola? Do you honestly believe that was Alessandra speaking to you last night? That she’s capable of counterfeiting such a voice and manner?”
    “I don’t believe in voices from a Spirit World,” Lombardi replied. “I believe Savonarola is simply a primitive, secondary personality of Miss Poverelli’s.”
    Alessandra leapt to her feet.
! You and your stupid theories. You know nothing about the spirit world.”
    “And you know nothing about Science,” Lombardi shot back. “Sit down!” He reached into his portfolio and took out a piece of paper.
    Alessandra remained standing, her eyes blazing.

Chapter 17
    A lessandra wasn’t prepared for Lombardi’s stunning offer.
    He closed his portfolio and looked at her. “I have a proposition for you.”
    “And what is that?” Alessandra returned, eyeing him suspiciously.
    He took a deep breath. “I said I
Savonarola is a creature of your mind. But even if I’m right, I have no explanation for the bell, or my mother’s hallucination. I want you to come to Torino to be studied by me, for six months. For your service, you will receive room and board, and a fee of 3,000
upon completion of that service.”
    We let out a collective gasp.
    Three thousand
was a lot of money. You could live in Naples on that for several years – or you could escape to Rome and start a new life.
    Alessandra was speechless.
    “A generous offer,” Lombardi continued, “but it comes with an equally generous number of conditions.” He sat back in his chair and stared at Alessandra. “I’m risking my professional reputation by undertaking this investigation. You frankly risk nothing. To earn your fee, you must earn, and maintain, my trust. My requirements are spelled out in this agreement. They’re not negotiable.”
    He handed her the agreement, then sat back in his chair.
    “First, you will live in the staff dormitory at my asylum during those six months, under the supervision of my chief female warden. You will not leave the premises, nor receive visitors, without my prior approval. Is that understood?”
    Alessandra nodded.
    “Second, you will make yourself available for testing by me or anyone I invite to test you, under whatever test conditions I propose, whenever and wherever I choose. After I conduct my own tests, we will spend the summer touring the Continent. This will allow professional colleagues of mine, in Vienna, Munich and other cities, to conduct their own tests. I will, of course, cover all your travel expenses.
    “Third, you will act like a woman of good breeding. I expect you to control your temper, and speak politely at all times. If you’re caught drunk, in a compromising situation, or involved in a scandal of any kind, your employment will be immediately terminated. You will also forfeit the fee – all 3,000
. This way we both have something to lose. Do you accept?”
    Alessandra eyed him calmly. “Four thousand,” she replied.
    “Three is more than generous. I will also be paying your room and board.”
    Alessandra waved the agreement at him. “You’ll find an excuse to dismiss me when the time comes to pay my fee.”
    “I’m a gentleman. My word is my bond.”
    “And I’m from Naples. Four.”
    A thin smile appeared on Lombardi’s face. “You’re an unusual woman,
. You would do well at the card table. Agreed – but one slip-up and you will find yourself back in Naples without a
    Alessandra flashed me a triumphant smile,

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