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Book: Moonglow by Kristen Callihan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristen Callihan
Tags: Romance, Historical, Fantasy
if reading his very thoughts. “My brother-in-law is police, and I shall have to be insulted in his stead.”
    “Winston Lane,” Ian confirmed with a nod. “He’s seems capable enough. But there’s no getting around the fact that he cannot help with this particular issue.”
    Again came the subtle paling of her cheeks. She was trying mightily to take the notion of werewolves in stride, but it wasn’t quite working. Could he blame her? Hadn’t he blanched when he’d learned that his kind wasn’t the only thing to go bump in the night?
    “Does Winston know about… werewolves?” she asked.
    “No. He thinks the killer is using a knife. Archer and I were not inclined to dissuade him of the notion.”
    “Archer was there?” A little furrow had worked its way between her golden brows. She waved her question away. “Of course he was. What good is one meddling noble when you can have two? Never mind. Tell me what you found.”
    As practical as a Scot, she was. “There was another victim,” he said. “Murdered before your attack. A woman. Young lady, actually.”
    “Poor dear.” Daisy’s hand trembled as she took a deep drink of her ale. “The same… did she…”
    He nodded dully. He’d be damned if he’d tell Daisy about that poor girl being violated. Swallowing down his rage, he told the bare facts of her death.
    “God.” Daisy shuddered. “He’s got to be stopped.”
    “He will be.” Ian reached out, laying his fingers lightly on her wrist. At any other time, he might be smug about the way her pulse leaped. Now he sought only to keep her there should she bolt. “There is a link between the women.” His grip tightened a fraction. “Daisy, did you let your friend Mrs. Trent borrow your perfume? Or you hers?”
    Her eyes darted over his face. “My…” Her breath hitched. “Why do you ask?”
    “All three of you wore the same perfume.” He closed his eyes. “Tea rose, ambergris and jasmine, a hint of sandalwood mixed with neroli.” He looked to find her mouth softly open. “A lovely floral perfume. Although your natural scent is sunshine on summer grass, vanilla, and spice, and you, as it were. Which I confess, I much prefer.”
    Unfortunately, his light jest did not take the pain from her eyes. “Alex admired my perfume,” Daisy said hoarsely. “Her party. She wanted… to be a smashing success. So I let her…” Tears welled up in her eyes.
    Gently, he wiped one away with his thumb. “It is not your fault.”
    “No?” She took a shaky breath and looked away.
    “No. Never think it, do you hear?”
    Staring off into the crowd, she nodded and then began to tap a steady rhythm with her fingers. “My perfume is an original blend, Northrup. I created the formula myself. Why was this girl wearing it?”
    “Perhaps it is a coincidence. Perhaps the girl blendedsomething similar on her own.” He didn’t believe the words any more than she, apparently.
    Her nose wrinkled. “That would be very great odds indeed,” she said with a sniff, and then turned to him. “Do you need my help then? Is that why you’ve come?”
    Something quite like tenderness turned over in his chest, and he fought valiantly not to smile. Though she argued with him at every turn, she clearly understood partnership and how to strategize before going into battle. She was like a wolf that way. Like pack. The realization did strange things to his insides. “No, not that.”
    When she scowled, he leaned toward her. “I am here because you are in danger.” His thumb ran over the delicate skin of her fingers. He didn’t know why holding her hand should feel any better than holding another woman’s hand, but it did. “For whatever reason, this wolf is attracted to that scent, and believe me, if a wolf latches on to a particular smell, he won’t easily let it go.”
    Her eyes went wide and glimmering as she searched his face, but her voice stayed calm. “If my perfume is what attracts this beast, surely if I cease

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