Unbuttoning the CEO

Free Unbuttoning the CEO by Mia Sosa

Book: Unbuttoning the CEO by Mia Sosa Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mia Sosa
Tags: Romance, Contemporary, multicultural
didn’t tell me. He said casual would be fine. And he’s picking me up in thirty minutes. Enough with the questions. Give me wardrobe advice.”
    “But how can I?” Mimi asked. “I don’t even know where you’re going.”
    “Mimi,” Gracie said through gritted teeth. “I need help.”
    “Okay. What would you wear if you were meeting a friend for coffee?”
    “Um. Dark jeans. And a silk blouse to dress it up.”
    “Then go with that. Make sure to show some cleavage, though. And heels. You need heels.”
    “Right. I’ve got to go.”
    Gracie ended the call and ran to her bedroom. She rummaged through her closet, praying her jeans were clean. Dark jeans? Check. Silk red blouse? Check. She sprinted to the bathroom and began removing her clothes. She looked down at her underwear. Uncheck. The granny panties would have to go.
    Slipping into the shower, Gracie tried to calm her nerves. Taking deep breaths, she turned the shower knob just short of scalding. As the hot water ran down her body, she pictured the way the night would end. In Nic’s bed. Or her bed. Or on the floor. It didn’t matter. She pressed her hands against the tile and raised her face to the bathroom ceiling, soaking her hair in the steamy water. A shower. She’d love to shower with Nic. The slip and slide of their bodies. Argh. Thinking about Nic while she showered was not an effective way to calm her nerves.
    As soon as the water cooled, Gracie jumped out of the shower, almost tripping on her bathroom rug as she reached for the towel. She dressed in seconds, knowing she would need plenty of time to dry her thick hair. Fifteen minutes later, she’d applied her lipstick, given up on drying her hair completely, and walked across her living room floor so many times she wondered if her downstairs neighbor would show up any minute.
    Nic arrived at six o’clock. Exactly.
    “Hi,” she said as she opened the door.
    “Come in. I just need to grab my purse and my jacket.”
    Nic’s large frame filled the foyer. He wore a brown leather bomber and faded jeans. His cream V-neck sweater revealed a hint of the chest she’d explored yesterday.
    “Where are we headed?” she asked.
    Behind her back, she twisted her hands. They were clammy. Grrr. She smoothed her hands over her jeans as she listened to his answer.
    “We have a dinner reservation at eight. I figure we could go bowling before then. It’s a family favorite. I used to play a lot when I was a kid. Are you game?”
    Gracie loved the idea, but she downplayed her excitement. Maybe this date wouldn’t be as terrifying as she’d imagined. “Sounds like fun. You’ll have to be patient with me, though. I haven’t played in a long time.”
    He pushed off the wall and sidled up to her. “I was hoping you’d say that.” Then he took her jacket from her hands and stood behind her. As she slipped her arms through the jacket’s sleeves, he caged her in his arms. His warm breath drifted near her ear and she jumped. “Are you nervous?”
    “What gave it away? The sweat on my upper lip?”
    “Yes,” he said.
    She whipped around and stared him down.
    He took a step back with his hands in the air. “I’m kidding.” Then he grabbed the ends of the scarf she’d just draped around her neck and tugged her flush against him. “Why don’t we get the kiss out of the way? From there, everything should go smoothly.”
    Oh, yes, please. She reached into his jacket and threaded her hands together at his waist. “I should say no just to spite you.”
    “Ah, Gracie, but you’d only be punishing yourself.”
    She couldn’t help but to grin at his conceit. “Wow. Someone’s cocky this evening.”
    “Hold that thought for a couple of hours. Trust me. It’ll come in handy later.”
    She lifted her chin. “Are you stalling?”
    He didn’t answer. Instead, his mouth swept over hers as his hands rubbed her back. Gracie opened her mouth and welcomed him inside. His lips danced

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