Stepbrother With Benefits 18 (Third Season)

Free Stepbrother With Benefits 18 (Third Season) by Mia Clark

Book: Stepbrother With Benefits 18 (Third Season) by Mia Clark Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mia Clark
    "Sure?" I offer.
    "You're fucking weird," she says. "Seriously. I can see why you and Ethan are dating. You're both fucking weird."
    "No," I say, resolute. "I'm not."
    I have no reason for saying this. I'm just not going to admit I'm weird. I refuse! Ethan's weird, of course. He's a bad influence and his bad boy ways tend to make me do things that might otherwise be considered weird, but it's completely not my fault. I'm perfectly innocent in all of this.
    We head out of the cafeteria and start walking back to the dorms. Except not. We're outside right now, the cafeteria behind us, dorms to the left, and the classrooms and lecture halls to the right. I spot something out of the corner of my eye. It's a sign. It's hanging off to the side by the entrance into the education building.
    "Scarlet," I say to her. "I need to go."
    "Ashley," she says to me. "We're kind of already going?"
    "No, I mean, I need to go to class."
    "Um, yeah, a little late for that, don't you think? You shouldn't have flown out here if you have to go to class. You kind of ditched school."
    "Um, no," I say. Pointing. I point. I point at the sign, and Scarlet stares at me like I'm crazy. "I have my phone. I'll text you later, alright? I'm going to go to that. It's--"
    I check. Oh no! I don't have time. It's starting soon. The bell rings. It literally just rang. That's it. The end of one class, and soon to be the beginning of another one.
    "I need to go to that!" I tell her, pointing again. "That class. Oh my God, you have no idea how much I have to go to this. I'll tell you later."
    "You don't even go to this school!" Scarlet yells after me before she starts laughing at me.
    Well, you know what? I don't care! This is important. I don't even know how to explain how important this is. I've been waiting for this for my entire life.
    Alright, that's a huge exaggeration. It's just been a couple of years, but still. I think a couple of years is a lot of time sometimes. It depends. There's context, of course. A lot of time is also a purely subjective concept based on personal frame of reference, but...
    I open the door quick and join the rush of college students in the halls heading to their next class. It's pretty easy to blend in, considering I'm also a college student. It's not like I look much different or anything. I'm sort of missing my backpack and something to write with, but I can probably record the lecture on my phone, so that's not a big deal.
    Yup! I can do this. I'm doing this. The layout is pretty regular and easy to follow, so I find the lecture hall I'm looking for without any trouble. I'm one of the first there, too. I hurry inside, find a good spot to sit that's out of the way but still in a good place in case I want to ask some questions, and...
    I sit. I wait. He's not here yet. That's fine. I don't mind.
    I'm sitting. I'm waiting. I'm...

    " A re you for real ?" I ask Brittany. "On the second fucking day of class? Holy fuck."
    "Whoa, calm down there, killer," Brittany says, laughing. "It's just a guest speaker. This is a good thing. It means we probably won't have homework this weekend."
    "Yeah, exactly," I say. "That's the fucking point I'm trying to make, Brittany. That's the entire point. It's the second fucking day of class. We probably wouldn't have had any homework either way. This is a huge waste. It's a huge fucking--"
    We step inside the classroom and I realize I'm being kind of loud, plus we're sort of almost late, so I decide to calm myself a little bit. Just a little, because, yeah, this is a huge fucking waste.
    "We should have guest speakers later in the year," I tell her, quiet, so I'm not, uh... disruptive or whatever the fuck. Who knows? "Maybe before an essay is due or something. Yeah. That's a great time to have a guest speaker."
    "Who the fuck is this guy, anyways?" I ask, looking over to the front of the room.
    Except, apparently I'm a little too loud. Our guest speaker grins at me, then nods and offers me a

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