Moore to Lose

Free Moore to Lose by Julie A. Richman

Book: Moore to Lose by Julie A. Richman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julie A. Richman
take control. I don’t even want them here, near us. Does that make sense?”
    Nodding, Tom smoothed back Mia’s hair from her face. “Then don’t let them.” He was giving her that look, and she could hear the witch from The Wizard of Oz in her head saying “I’m melting.”
    “You’re making me melt, Teach.”
    He just continued to smooth back her hair and smile at her, the hotter than Miami on a summer’s day look in his eyes, and then there were those greedy lips on hers again, soft and demanding, and Mia wanted to devour him but he was already devouring her.

    “Jailbait,” Mia gazed up from Tom’s fully clothed chest, where her head lay. They were both still fully clothed. “Morning,” he smiled, “it’s still really early and I think I should get out of here now before people start milling about.”
    Mia moved from his chest, her head ached from lack of sleep. “Ok.” She felt suddenly bereft, not wanting him to leave, to sneak off into the night.
    “You ok?” His dark brows knit questioningly.
    “Yeah, I just don’t want you to leave.”
    “I like that, Jailbait.” And he laid his head back down on the pillow next to hers.
    “And just think, you are leaving here as pure as you arrived.” Tom threw his head back with laughter and Mia continued, “See, I told you I wouldn’t make you do anything you didn’t want to do.”
    “But I do want to.” Tom pulled Mia against him. She dropped her hand down between them, grazing the front of his faded out, ass-hugging Levi’s.
    “Ohhhh yeah, you do,” her eyes wide with excitement as she outlined the hardening bulge in his jeans with her fingernails. As he hardened beneath her fingers, Mia’s devil smile grew wider and wider.
    “You’re incorrigible.”
    Mia looked at him with her “You didn’t just figure that out now, did you?” look and he laughed.
    She could feel his erection straining against his jeans and she wanted to take it out probably as much as he did. With a quick kiss on the lips, she ducked her head down the bed. Tom started to protest and Mia looked up at him and put her finger to her lips, “Shhhh.”
    And then she did what he did not expect. She did not undo the top button of his jeans, she did not unzip his fly, she did not reach inside his jeans to pull him out and fondle him (even though she was dying to). With her teeth, Mia outlined Tom’s cock through his jeans. As she moved from base to tip at an excruciatingly slow pace, she opened her mouth so that her top teeth were on one side, her bottom teeth on the other.
    The sound of his moan and the feel of his fingers in her hair, made Mia ache to have him inside of her. She nibbled the soft head of his cock through the coarse fabric.
    “Oh God, Mia.” Tom reached down and pulled Mia on top of him so that they were lying face to face. Both panting, he took her face in his hands and pulled her lips down to his, kissing her roughly.
    She could feel his cock between her legs and pressed down, “I want you,” she said into his mouth, rubbing along the length of him, slowly clockwise and then lifting her mouth off of his slightly to smile and changing her grinding to counterclockwise.
    Grabbing her ass and pressing her tightly against him, Tom lifted his hips in sharp stabbing motions. Mia gasped into his mouth. “Yeah. That’s what I want to do to you — make you gasp.” He kept up the relentless stabbing while holding her firmly against him. The seam of her jeans was rubbing harshly against her clit, increasing sensitivity with each stab. Mia’s eyes were wide, her breathing ragged. “Let go, Mia.”
    Mia shook her head no.
    “Mia, let go.” Tom demanded, pressing her into him with more force.
    “No,” she whimpered.
    “I said let go,” his voice was harsh, his eyes demanding. “Let go, Mia.”
    And then it was out of her control as she began to quake. Staring into his eyes and hearing her own sounds in her ears, feeling vulnerable and powerful, scared and

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