Assault and Batter

Free Assault and Batter by Jessica Beck

Book: Assault and Batter by Jessica Beck Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Beck
so I turned and started back to my Jeep.
    “Are we just going to give up and go away?” Grace asked as she stood firmly on the porch.
    “No, but this angle of attack clearly didn’t work. We’re going to have to be a little craftier if we’re going to learn anything from Reggie Nance.”
    “Ooh, I love crafty,” she said. “Just as long as you mean sneaky by it.”
    “That’s what I mean. I’m just not sure I know how to go about it.”
    “Don’t worry,” Grace said. “I’m sure that your devious mind will come up with something.”
    “Thanks, I think,” I said as we got in and I started the engine.
    “Oh, it was a compliment,” Grace said. “We still have a little bit of time before dinner. Do you have any other ideas about where we can go now?”
    I was about to answer when my cellphone rang. “Hang on one second,” I said as I turned the engine back off. Was Jake finally getting back to me?
    It was Emily instead. “Hi, Emily,” I said. “What’s going on?”
    “Suzanne, did I catch you at a bad time?” she asked.
    I had to cheer up, and fast. My friend was getting married, and she was counting on me. “No, not at all. How are things going?”
    “Mother has things moving like clockwork. It’s as though she’s spent her entire life planning for this wedding, and there’s no stopping her. I’m beginning to wonder who’s more excited about this wedding, her or me.”
    “She’s just happy for you,” I said. “Would you like me to say something to her?”
    “Oh, no, I wouldn’t ask you to do that. She’ll be fine.”
    “Then what can I do to make your life easier?”
    “You can tell me your plans for the wedding donuts,” she said. “It’s just about the only thing on the list that Mom is letting someone else handle, and she keeps asking me what you’ve got in mind.”
    Honestly, I hadn’t had much time to think about it, let alone come up with any ideas I thought might work. I couldn’t exactly tell her that, though. “I’m kicking around a few overall concepts at the moment. I know that you like your donuts loaded with toppings, and Max will eat anything, but do you have any special requests for your guests?” Maybe she’d give me something to go on.
    “No, I trust your judgment,” she said. “Can you at least give me a hint about what you’re considering?”
    “I don’t want to spoil any surprises for you until I get all of the details worked out,” I said.
    “I understand that,” she said, though she sounded a little disappointed. “I know there’s not much time, Suzanne, but if anybody can do it, you can.”
    “I appreciate the show of faith in me,” I said.
    “Emma told me that you were a genius with donuts, so who am I to contradict her?” Emily asked with a laugh, and then she hung up.
    “Remind me to thank my assistant for raising the bride’s expectations beyond belief,” I muttered to myself.
    I must have said it louder than I’d planned, because Grace asked, “What did Emma say?”
    “That wasn’t Emma; it was Emily,” I said. “Evidently the bride is expecting a donut extravaganza for her wedding reception.”
    “It’s kind of a quirky idea, isn’t it?” Grace asked me.
    “Quirky is the nicest thing you can say about it,” I replied. “Change of plans. I need to start planning this donut display, and I mean right now.”
    “Would you like some help? I’m not sure how much actual aid I can deliver, but I’m great at providing moral support.”
    “I’ll take what I can get,” I said. “Let me call Momma and see what’s for dinner.”
    “You know me. I’ll eat anything your mother makes,” Grace answered with a smile.
    “I would to, but I have to make sure that she’s going to be there.”
    I called Momma’s number, and she picked up on the fourth ring. “Suzanne, are you coming home soon? Dinner is nearly ready.”
    “That sounds great. Is there room enough for one more?”
    “Is Jake coming?” she asked

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