Silent Whisper

Free Silent Whisper by Andrea Smith

Book: Silent Whisper by Andrea Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andrea Smith
me, Karlie. I have no marriage. Anna Maria stays with me for the comfortable life she’s always had. Our marriage was arranged –yes, that still happens within the LCN.
    “She and I are no longer sexual. We haven’t been for quite some time, but I’m not bringing shame to the family by divorcing her. It’s the one thing we won’t do as crazy as I know that sounds. I thought it would be different with you and me. I thought there would be honesty, because you see, I’ve been as honest with you as I possibly can be. I thought there would be trust as well.”
    He reached down and picked up the case containing the birth control pills and tossed it over to me. I somehow managed to catch it while not taking my eyes off of him.
    “It’s your decision, Karlie,” he said, “And I want it now.”
    I got up and walked to the kitchen, popping each unused pill from its place on the dial, and letting them fall into the sink. I turned the water on, and watched them go down the garbage disposal.
    I flipped the switch so that Dominic would know they were being ground into dust.
    Afterwards I turned to face him. “I’m sorry,” I whispered. “I should’ve told you how I felt. I don’t want to lose you.”
    I thought he would be pleased with my decision, but his face still wore a mask of coldness. It was as if he felt I’d betrayed him. Hell, maybe I had. I knew that Dominic was a slow burn, which meant he was slow to cool.
    “I’ll be back in two weeks,” he said. “The family is vacationing at Fire Island until mid-July. I’ll see you then.”
    And just like that, he was gone. Leaving me standing there confused, hurt, and duly punished for my deception.
    Two weeks.

c h a p t e r 12
    To say that the two weeks without Dominic sped by would be a total lie. They should’ve flown by because I was busier than shit getting the first introductory designer originals finished.
    The seamstresses were working feverishly and after the first week, I had a total of twenty completely finished, ready-for-the-rack power suits. At the end of week two, I had evening wear, casual wear, and even some lined boyfriend jackets in bright, colorful geometric designs that were sure to be a hit.
    On Friday of the second week, Sherry and I were putting together some ensembles that had leggings, along with long tunic blouses to go over them.
    “I must say,” I gushed, looking at the splashy designs and colorful prints, “We’ve done well.”
    At last I got a smile out of Sherry.
    “So on Monday we start stocking the boutique, right?” she asked.
    “Yep. I was there this morning and all of the fixtures are in place. The window decorator will be there first thing Monday morning to help us set up. The sign is to be delivered Monday afternoon.”
    “Uh, would it be okay if I came in a little late Monday? Like maybe lunch time?”
    I could tell that Sherry wasn’t comfortable asking me.
    “Sure,” I said, puzzled that she was obviously acting sheepish about something. “I can get started without you. No problem.”
    “It’s just that, well you know, the family will be getting back late Sunday from Fire Island and I haven’t seen Vinnie in two weeks…” she broke off, turning a deep crimson. “And you don’t know what the hell I’m talking about, do you?”
    “I was pretty clueless, but I guess I get it now,” I replied.
    How anyone could look forward to seeing Vinnie or Little Sal was totally beyond me. They gave me the heebie-jeebies. But what the hell? Maybe she thought the same of Dominic although I couldn’t possibly see how because he was nothing like his older brothers.
    “I just figured Dominic might’ve mentioned it,” she continued, and I really would’ve preferred it if she’d drop the whole subject.
    “Dominic and I don’t talk about his family,” I retorted, checking the shoulder pads on some of the jackets. “It’s a sore subject.”
    “Oh,” was all she said, marking off the inventory list.
    The thought of

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