The Kissing Season

Free The Kissing Season by Rachael Johns

Book: The Kissing Season by Rachael Johns Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachael Johns
washing over her. Never in her life had she wanted to succeed at something like she wanted to at motherhood. She wanted to prove to her family that she could be sensible and grounded. As hard as pushing Matt away had been, she looked upon it as the first step in putting her baby’s needs before her own. In proving herself.
    “Fair enough, but I can’t help wanting to pummel the guy into a post. It takes two to make a baby.”
    “Yes, it does. But luckily it only takes one very good parent to raise it and I plan on being the best.”
    “I don’t doubt that, Hannah.” He took a step toward her and her heart jumped as he glanced down at the hand still resting on her barely there baby bump. “You know, this doesn’t have to change anything between us. I’m not staying in town, I can’t be a father, but the more I think about it, I’m okay with scratching your itch. I’ve never had sex with a pregnant woman before but I’m prepared to make an exception where you’re concerned, Hannah Elliot.”
    As laughter bubbled within her at his frank offer, her eyes lowered of their own accord and ogled the impressive package encased in his board shorts. She thought about how it had felt to have Matt inside her; her desire rose again and she wanted more than anything to take him up on this very attractive offer.
    It was, after all, just sex. Between two consenting adults, and it didn’t have to mean any more.
    “Hannah?” He touched his thumb ever so gently to her chin and lifted her face so their gazes met. She saw red-hot desire in his pupils, but there was something extra. Something deeper and more real between them than she’d ever felt before. He’d been tender with her when most men would have wanted to throttle her for such deception. The house they were standing in now, he’d bought for his mother. He’d shared her hot dog with her, watched kids unwrap Christmas presents, tried on silly things and made her laugh more than any guy she could remember. And although he’d made his desire blatant, he’d never once tried to push her into anything.
    She’d had a few boyfriends in the past few years, but she’d never felt so drawn to a man until now. The thought made her feel lousy and stupid because she’d gone and married Larry the Loser on a whim, but it also made her wary. She didn’t know if she could just have sex with Matt. With him, she feared she wouldn’t simply be handing over her body for a couple of hours; she might inadvertently be handing over her heart.
    And that was something she couldn’t risk. Not now.
    “Oh, Matt.” A lump formed in her throat at the thought of what she was turning down. If the sparks between them were any hint, they’d burn up the sheets but... “As tempting as your offer is, it wouldn’t be right. I think I should leave.”
    His shoulders dropped and disappointment was etched in every line on his amazing face. She longed to stretch out her hands and smooth her fingers across his cheeks, but touching him wasn’t a good idea. Finally, he shrugged and smiled a little. “Worth a try. Now, let me give you a ride back to the shop.”
    “No, it’s fine—I’ll walk.” Despite their little chat, being in such a confined space with him would be downright awkward.
    “Don’t be ridiculous. It’s at least a half an hour walk back into town, and aren’t you supposed to be working this afternoon?”
    She wanted to argue but he was right. Besides, she’d already turned him down where it hurt; the least she could do was swallow her pride and accept a lift. With a nod, she said, “Thank you.”
    * * *
    H E PUT THE radio on for the short drive into town and although Hannah was thankful for something to fill the awkward silence, she couldn’t have told anyone what music played. Matteo Della Bosca still consumed her mind—she thought of what might have been if she’d bitten her tongue, or better still if she’d met him before Larry. She couldn’t be sad about the little

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