The Boyfriend List

Free The Boyfriend List by Jeannie Moon

Book: The Boyfriend List by Jeannie Moon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jeannie Moon
high satisfaction, and that was all she really required. She wanted to be content—
to be content—not necessarily happy. As she’d told Nate, happiness was overrated. Now for the summer, she could focus on a child; that was a whole lot better than feeling sorry for herself.
    Harper took her through the cottage and Jenna remembered when Kim finally gave in and let herself be swept away by the handsome marine. She’d had to let go of Jenna’s brother, Tom, and all the anger that had bottled up inside her, but once she did, magic happened. And it couldn’t have happened to a better person.
    “So,” Harper began, “how have you been since the wedding? Have you and Nate gotten together yet? He did ask you to dinner.”
. Harper was asking the same question her mom had been asking. This was not fair; she knew her friends and family meant well, but there had to be some end to the meddling. “No. I haven’t seen him. Is he doing well? He’s such a nice guy.”
    So nice that he’d given her more orgasms in one night than she’d had in the past five years. Very nice.
    Turning, Harper raised a perfectly groomed brow. “He’s a nice guy? Is that all you have? Because, honey, I saw you that morning at brunch. You had the sex glow. I know you were with Nate and I want to know why you’re lying.”
    “Sex glow? What are you talking about?” Jenna put Anna on the floor and turned to her soon-to-be employer. “I did not have a sex glow. That’s not a thing.”
    “It is
a thing. If you want, when we go back to the house, we can ask Kevin.”
    “We will not ask your husband!” Jenna shrieked. “But still. I know it’s not a thing.”
    Shrugging, Harper leveled a cool gaze at Jenna. “He should be here soon.”
    “Who, Kevin? I thought he was home.”
    “He is. Nate and Jason will be by to pick him up. They’re playing golf.”
    Oh. No.
    Nate. She’d been avoiding his phone calls for three weeks because she just couldn’t face him. Now she was going to have to see him whether she liked it or not.
    “You look like you want to find a closet to hide in. Was the sex that good or that bad?”
    “It wasn’t bad.” Jenna slapped a hand over her mouth. “Dammit.”
    “I knew it! I could tell by the way you two were looking at each other the morning after the wedding.”
    “I’m not talking about this, Harper.”
    “Sure we are. That’s what girlfriends do. And since I’m his friend, as well, I’ll have to torture him about it.”
    Pinching the bridge of her nose, Jenna wondered why the fates were conspiring to make her life difficult. “Please don’t do that.”
    The last thing she wanted was for Nate to think she’d gossiped about him. Now, he knew Harper and what she was capable of, so chances were he would know the teasing was coming directly from his friend and that Jenna hadn’t supplied any information. But still, it was embarrassing. And poor Nate was so sweet, it was easy to see him being uncomfortable.
    Jenna had to hope her friend was teasing and really wouldn’t embarrass her or Nate for the sake of a laugh. She really hoped so.
    Without any warning, Anna squealed and rushed to the side door of the cottage. The large French doors looked out over the garden, but Anna was looking at the house and it was only when Jenna walked over to the door that she could see Kevin leading Nate and Jason down to the cottage. What the hell?
    “Should we go?”
    Harper grinned. Damn, this was going to be awkward. “They’ll all want to see the baby.”
    “Of course they do.”
    Seconds later, through the door of the cottage came Jason, Kevin, and Nate, whose face dropped so close to the floor when he saw her, she was afraid she was going to have to tie his mouth shut.
    There was a lot of noise, which indicated Kevin had entered the room, and he quickly scooped up the baby before kissing Harper on the cheek. For all her bluster, it was easy to see that the two of them were totally in love, and

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