The Vampire's Fake Fiancée (Nocturne Falls Book 5)

Free The Vampire's Fake Fiancée (Nocturne Falls Book 5) by Kristen Painter

Book: The Vampire's Fake Fiancée (Nocturne Falls Book 5) by Kristen Painter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristen Painter
“I never pursued any sort of official separation from her because I couldn’t.” For several reasons, not the least of which was the promise he’d made. He’d always hoped she’d come back. It would have made his life easier, that was for certain.
    “Why couldn’t you?”
    “For a sire to divorce the spouse they’ve turned, it requires either the signature of the spouse, something Evangeline wouldn’t have given me, or proof of infidelity.”
    “That sounds like something you could have managed.”
    He stared at the table. “Yes, I can. I choose not to.”
    The tablecloth blurred in front of his eyes. “Because I am an old-fashioned fool. I don’t want to ruin her. Or be the one to end things so distinctly.”
    She peered at him. “So you ended up paying the price for her sins. I can’t imagine in all those years of being alone you never once thought about being with someone else.”
    He kept his gaze on the table. “What I thought about and what I wanted were two different things. Evangeline was always foremost on my mind.” Then he picked his head up. “Some might think my loyalty a respectable quality. Especially in this day and age.”
    “I’m not judging you. Just curious. You must have had some kind of amazing marriage to hold out like that. To still be holding out.”
    Except that wasn’t really how he was feeling these days. He frowned. “Our marriage was arranged. Most marriages back then were, especially for those of wealth and position.”
    “Then I get the loyalty, which is definitely admirable, but letting her go at this point would be completely understandable. No one expects you to keep the vows you made three hundred years ago.”
    “Almost four, actually.”
    “Maybe you could talk to this council. Explain things. They might make an exception.”
    He thought about it. No one had ever really questioned him about this before. His brothers had tried, but he’d always shut them down as soon as they started. Eventually they knew the topic of Evangeline was off-limits and stopped bringing her up. “And yes, maybe they would make an exception, but that’s not who I am. I am a man of my word. And I value the bond we had.”
    Tessa swallowed a mouthful of beer. “Does she? I’m guessing not if she left you like that.”
    “She was young and impetus. Becoming…” He lowered his voice. “Becoming a vampire was an enormous change. She had wild oats to sow. And she did. Now she’s done. Ready to be my wife again.”
    Or so she claimed. Was he reading too much into Evangeline’s return? Perhaps. But he knew her better than anyone. She had been a good wife. Adept at the social aspects anyway. She had never been particularly warm or affectionate toward him, but he’d always chalked that up to them getting to know each other as husband and wife.
    Tessa looked unconvinced. “I just don’t get it. What on earth is holding you to her?”
    The truth was on the tip of his tongue, but before he could speak, a body shoved into the seat beside him.
    Julian threw his arm around Sebastian’s shoulders. “Well, look at you, out on the town. I must remember to put a big red circle around today’s date on the calendar when I get home. This has to be some kind of lunar eclipse or unknown holiday, or did some alien force invade your body and take control of your faculties?”
    “Julian, this is not the time—”
    “Nope, you definitely sound like Sebastian.” Julian unhooked his arm and leaned forward, planting his elbows on the table and propping his chin on his hands as he grinned at Tessa. “And you must be my dear brother’s fiancée . How wonderful.”
    “I…” She looked at Sebastian as if unsure how to answer.
    Julian plowed on. “Nice ring. I hope you get to keep that in the deal. You’re certainly going to earn it.”
    “No, she does not get to keep the ring.” Sebastian glared at Julian. “I thought you were in Las Vegas. Again.”
    “I was. And now I’m

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