The Problem With Heartache

Free The Problem With Heartache by Lauren K. McKellar

Book: The Problem With Heartache by Lauren K. McKellar Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lauren K. McKellar
    All I could think of was the parent connection. It made sense. And I so desperately wanted to believe it was that, rather than the horrid alternative.
    Still, when I found my next letter, this time sticking under my hotel room door a few days later, apprehension stirred in my veins, pumping my blood at double-speed through my body.
    Dear Kate,
    It’s taken me a few days to reply because your letter made me so damn mad. I would never do something like that dickhead ex of yours did. I would never treat a woman, an employee, and especially not a lover the way he did you, so don’t for one second think that I would.
    I know it seems strange that I hired you … let’s just say I have a debt to pay to society. And if I can help you, help your family … that’s gonna mean a lot to me.
    Anyway, enough of the heavy shit! You’re doing a real good job on tour at the moment, but I just thought I’d let you know that this morning, you’ll probably need to go in and wake Xander up. I think he took sleeping tablets last night.

    Dear Lee,
    It’s taken me a few days to reply because I AM SO MAD AT YOU! You knew, didn’t you? When I opened Xander’s door and saw him with that woman—oh my God! Thank goodness I heard him first, so I was able to close my eyes before the image of him banging some random was burned into my retinas. I was just grateful that even though I lost my ability to form a coherent sentence, I was still able to yell ‘no’ when he asked if I wanted to join in.
    You know, this is kind of sexual harassment …
    I shook my head, staring at my letter before I left it on Lee’s seat in the bus. It hadn’t really been all that bad. I’d seen no naked body parts, unless you count Xander’s back—to be honest, it was a really fine back, too.
    I hadn’t known how to respond, but after a few days I’d decided to have a little fun with it. After all, the guy was clearly asking for it.
    That was why I tucked a condom that I’d dosed in milk a few times and then let dry into the envelope. It mightn’t have look one hundred per cent believable, but it was close enough.

    Dear Kate,
    You are sexually harassing me. Did you seriously just send me a used condom? And dear God, please tell me it wasn’t one of Xander’s. No wait; I don’t think I want it to be one that you’ve used, either.
    Seriously, when I got that I pissed myself laughing. And then rapidly tried to hide the “balloon” from Jay, who wanted to blow it up. Lottie was not impressed.
    You know, most employees we’ve had in the past just smile and say “Yes, Lee”. They don’t bite back when I put them to the test. You’re different, Kate.
    By the way, how’s your dad? Heard from him since you got here?
    P.S. I like different.

    Dear Lee,
    First up, let’s get one thing straight: if most of your past employees let you play practical jokes on them, they were idiots. I’m nothing special, Lee. I’m just not gonna let you walk all over me. Gosh, have you met any Australians before? We don’t take crap!
    On a more serious note, though, I am sorry about Jay and Lottie. That’s actually seriously not cool of me, and I didn’t even think about it. I should have popped the note under your hotel door instead. Or maybe just taken a Polaroid of Xander doing the deed and left that for you to enjoy more discreetly …
    Dad’s okay. Mum sent me an email the other day, letting me know how he was. I just … I haven’t been able to write back yet, you know? I don’t know what to say …
    Do you ever find that with your parents?

    Dear Kate,
    Do. Not. EVER send me a photo of Xander in any form of compromising position. The only naked photo you’re allowed to send me …
    You can probably still read that, but interpret it as you will.
    I actually do know what you mean. It’s—I’ve never been able to kinda say it to anyone else, you know?

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