What He Explores (What He Wants, Book Twenty-One)

Free What He Explores (What He Wants, Book Twenty-One) by Hannah Ford

Book: What He Explores (What He Wants, Book Twenty-One) by Hannah Ford Read Free Book Online
Authors: Hannah Ford
    “Coming up!” I called back, getting the cover on, finally, as I picked up the tray at the counter that was stacked with enough burger meat to choke an elephant.
    Marvin turned towards me and pointed to a rowdy table of guys sitting in the corner of the restaurant. “They’ve been waiting forever for that order, Powers. Now hustle over and be nice—try smiling for a change.”
    I should throw this entire tray of food on him and walk out , I thought, but of course I did no such thing and kept my mouth shut.
    Another few months and I’d have worked off enough of my parents’ debt to finally quit and get back to college like I’d been planning.
    Just a little longer. Hold it together, Powers.
    I took a deep breath, put on my best smile, and carried the tray of food to the table of guys who were the exact types that I dreaded serving at this time of night.
    The men turned their attention to me.
    “Finally,” the best looking of the group said. He flashed his gorgeous green eyes at me and grinned that cocky frat boy grin that I’d grown to hate since working at the restaurant this last year. “I thought we were going to have to kill the cow ourselves,” he continued, “and I’m hungry enough to do it, too.”
    “Sorry for the delay,” I told him, handing the tray over, my smile dissipating.
    Did he not see the huge line out the door? Was he dumb and entitled enough to think he was the only customer in the place?
    Probably yes on both counts.
    As I was thinking about his attitude and how much he embodied everything I despised—clearly handsome and cocky, never had to work or suffer a day in his life—I lost focus and bungled the handoff of all the food.
    The tray capsized and although the green-eyed frat boy was able to catch most of it at the last second—even managing to snag the fries and keep the container upright with one hand—he couldn’t stop the milkshake from dumping all over me.
    “Shit!” I yelled.
    Some of his friends were snickering now and I felt my cheeks start to flush with embarrassment as I knelt down to pick up the half-empty cup off the ground. There was lots of vanilla milkshake on the floor, but a lot of it had gotten on my top, and even a few specks had sprayed my chin and cheeks.
    I licked my lips, tasting vanilla ice cream.
    “You all right?” Green Eyes asked, looking a little concerned for a moment as he saw the state I was in.
    “I’d be a lot better if you’d held onto that tray instead of dropping it,” I shot back, even though I knew I was the one who’d fumbled it. But something about the look on his face had upset me.
    I don’t want his pity.
    Anything but that.
    As the insulting words left my lips, his expression changed. His green eyes hardened and he gave a little grin, sitting back in his seat and looking at me as I knelt beside the table.
    “You know, if someone just walked in on this scene right here, they might get the wrong idea…” he said, scratching his jaw.
    His friends burst out laughing.
    At first I didn’t know what was so funny until I realized that the position we were in…me on my knees, him sitting there, looking satisfied while I had white liquid splattered on my chest and face.
    For a moment, I wanted to scream and toss the rest of the milkshake at his face. And I almost did.
    But then I stood up and he was still grinning, folding his arms as if daring me to try something stupid.
    The strange thing was, for a brief moment, picturing the situation as it might have been were I truly to have done what he was insinuating it looked like I’d done—my nipples stiffened and my lower belly tightened.
    Are you crazy, Caeli? You’re actually attracted to this douchebag?
    No, not attracted. Repulsed.
    “I’ll have someone else bring you a new milkshake,” I said, turning away.
    “You bring it,” Green Eyes called out authoritatively.
    I gave one last look over my shoulder as I continued walking on back. I wished I had a witty retort,

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