She's Gotta Have It: A Hood Love Story
shit! Here I was in a dark corner on Hollywood boulevard, being felt up and kissed all on by the last person I expected. For the first time in a long time, going to club with my sisters had paid off. I’d met someone that I could actually see myself with for forever, that wasn’t Craig.
    We kissed for what seemed like an eternity, until some homeless man asked us for change like we didn’t look busy. Cassian gave him a fifty-dollar bill, and then we decided to run off to Roscoe’s Chicken and Waffles. After staying there until they closed, just talking, we went back to his house to go to sleep. Life was the shit right about now.

    Chapter Six: Andi 
    Blaze’s music video pretty much put me on the map. I got a couple more offers for other videos because of him, and I was ecstatic. I planned to expand my brand as soon as possible, because I was not gonna end up just being some video hoe that faded into the background. I actually had no idea what I wanted to achieve though, other than fame. I guess I would decide that later on. For now, I would just build my name and stack my chips.
    I was now starting to get a lot of urban blog coverage, for being Hollis’ home wrecking boo. I didn’t care what the headline said; as long as my picture was on it, I was good.
    This evening I was gonna take care of something I’d been meaning to take care of for the longest. You see, Shakina thought our feud was over, and that she was gonna bow out gracefully and give me Hollis. Unfortunately, she had the game fucked up! She punched me and the shit surfaced all over the fucking World Wide Web, as you know, and that wasn’t gone fly at all. So what it catapulted my name temporarily, I still didn’t like the fact that she personally thought she won.
    Tonight she was gonna pay in the worst way though. “So this is the car?” my little brother Lockelyn’s homeboy asked, as we pulled into Shakina’s job parking lot.
    “Yep,” I smirked and he nodded. He hopped out and jogged over to do the job.
    Although Hollis had big money, Shakina was one of those bitches who didn’t like to sit up and let a man take care of her. We were the total opposite obviously. She worked nights at Bloomingdale’s department store, and tonight would be her last night there. I was paying my brother’s friend Jinx six g's to cut her brake lines, so that as she sped home, she would have a nice surprise.
    When I saw Jinx jogging back towards me, a smile crept across my face. “Done, let’s go,” he panted and reached for his seat belt.
    I took him back home, and then retired to the home I shared with Josalyn. I usually would’ve spent the night with Hollis, but I didn’t have time to answer all his questions as to where I’d been. He was annoying as fuck, and hella clingy to be some big shot DJ. You would think that I would be the one all over him but nope. That’s what happens when you got that good-good like me.
    “I miss you too,” I heard Josalyn giggling on the phone in her room.
    I rolled my eyes and barged in. What the fuck didn’t she get about not dating Cassian? Yeah he was a good rapper, but his last song didn’t do shit, and that was months ago. He was not about to go down and take my precious baby sister with him. She deserved nothing but the best, and at this moment, Cassian was not it.
    “What are you doing?” I spoke loudly over her room.
    “Andi, you’re home. What’s up?” she asked holding the phone to her collarbone.
    “Is that Cassian?” I raised a brow and folded my arms.
    “Yeah,” she replied.
    “I thought we had an agreement Jos, hang up,” I spat and headed back to my room. Maybe if I put a better nigga in her face, she would leave him alone.
    After taking a nice hot bath and watching some Hulu, I drifted off to sleep, dreaming of Shakina meeting her fate.
    “Good morning babe,” I smiled as I switched into Hollis’ house. You damn right his whipped ass gave me a key.

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