Love Me

Free Love Me by Cheryl Holt

Book: Love Me by Cheryl Holt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cheryl Holt
Tags: Romance, Contemporary
greetings in return, but neither hurried over to hug her.  They grinned awkwardly, and it was the first time Amy had ever seen Dustin unsure of himself.
    “You must be Andrew.”  Amy spoke to Brittney’s companion.
    “Nope,” the man replied.  “I’m Matt Monroe.”
    He shook Amy’s hand like a normal person, and he shot her a hot look that would have left her weak in the knees if she hadn’t already managed to latch on to Dustin.
    “And you’re with her because…?” Dustin asked, sizing him up.
    “He’s my”—Brittney frowned as she searched for the appropriate word to describe him—“my security guard.”
    “Okay,” Dustin slowly mused, and he flashed a glance of concern at Lucas.
    “Actually,” Brittney explained, “he’s Andrew’s idea.”
    “Andrew hired security for you?” Lucas said.  “Why?”
    “Long story,” Brittney claimed.
    Lucas gaped and glowered, and Amy was afraid he’d say something stupid or insensitive, that he’d pose indelicate questions or press matters that didn’t need to be currently addressed.
    The Merriweather siblings had odd issues, and Amy wouldn’t have any sniping, wouldn’t have Brittney put on the defensive as to why she’d arrived with a macho god who wasn’t her fiancé.
    With her wedding in full swing, Amy was intent on laughter and cheer and blessings raining down.  She wouldn’t tolerate any friction, wouldn’t permit any discord that might make Brittney wish she hadn’t come. 
    Amy was so delighted, she couldn’t contain herself.  She pulled Brittney into the tight hug her brothers should have bestowed but hadn’t.  For a moment, Brittney hesitated, then she hugged Amy back.
    “I’m so glad you’re here,” Amy whispered.
    “So am I,” Brittney responded.
    Over Brittney’s shoulder, Amy saw Matt Monroe wink at Brittney.  Then he let himself be swallowed up into the crowd so Amy could have Brittney all to herself.
    “I want to introduce you to everybody,” she said.  “They’re all dying to meet you.”
    She clasped Brittney’s hand and led her away.

    “I’m so happy.”
    “I can see that you are.”
    Brittney twirled across their hotel room, arms outstretched, providing an indication that she’d studied ballet somewhere in her past.  She’d had too much to drink, though, so she stumbled on the third turn, and Matt was there to steady her.
    “Whoa, girl.  Slow down.”
    “Amy and Faith are so nice,” she said.
    “Yes, they are,” he concurred.
    “I think they like me.  Don’t you think they like me?”
    “I think they love you, kiddo.”  He smirked.  “Told you so.”
    “Told me what?”
    “That they’d behave like normal people and be very glad you came.”
    He eased her down into a nearby chair, and she grinned, giving him a hot, searing look that made his heart race.
    “Wasn’t it a beautiful wedding?” she asked.
    “We weren’t there for the wedding.”
    “Well, reception then.  You know what I mean.”
    “Yes, I do.  The reception was great.”
    And he wasn’t lying.  He’d had a terrific time.
    Lucas and Dustin Merriweather had actually managed to find themselves a couple of awesome wives.  How they were able to convince two such marvelously ordinary women to join the dreaded Merriweather clan was a mystery.
    Matt had spent the evening, working the crowd, posing innocent questions.  He’d already known that Faith and Amy came from humble backgrounds, but he hadn’t been aware of their rough childhoods or how awfully they had struggled as adults. 
    If he hadn’t learned the facts for himself, if he hadn’t met them and seen them interacting with their husbands, he might have wondered if they were the gold-diggers they’d been accused of being in the media. 
    From the stories shared by their adoring relatives, it was clear that the two rich, handsome, notorious husbands were the lucky ones.
    They had married wisely, had created loving, boisterous families filled

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