Somewhere in My Heart
for their trip, which Ricky couldn’t be bare enough for Billie. She had to take advantage of the situation while she still could, before the battle of the bulge.  She was glad that the majority of her pregnancy would be in the winter.  Bobby and Kelly couldn’t go with everyone, so Billie asked Chris and Joy.  They had a lot of details to straighten out, pertaining to their own wedding.  They had been thinking of going to the Cayman Islands for their honeymoon, though.  Billie suggested they just change their plans a bit. 
    Joy pleaded, “Chris, maybe we should.  You were just telling me the other day how you will be so busy around Christmas and the first of the year.  We might not have time for one, unless we postpone our wedding.” 
    He agreed, “We shouldn’t have to cancel our wedding.  Nothing is more important than that.  I’ll figure something out.” 
    Billie wondered, “I had no idea that you had already set a date.  I only knew that you were engaged.  When did you decide this?” 
    Joy replied, “It was right after your wedding.  I guess we figured we shouldn’t put it off any longer.  Life is too precious and I don’t want to waste any of it.  I can’t wait to be Mrs. Chris Brady.  I hope nothing will get in the way of our happiness.”
    Billie agreed, “I think the worst part is over.  We all know that Chris has had ample bad luck for the both of you.  He has suffered enough.  I know how you feel, that’s how I felt about me and Ricky.” 
    Joy acknowledged, “I am lucky that Chris came in to my life when he did.  He stopped me from making one of the biggest mistakes of my life.  I almost married a person that wasn’t my soul mate.” 
    Billie informed, “By the way, Maria and Jason will be going on the cruise as well.” 
    Chris approved, “That should be interesting.  On a side note, if the ship were to sink, could we use you as a floatation device? You know how buoyant pregnant women are.” 
    Billie slightly punched him, while Joy laughed uncontrollably.  She added, “Who knows Joy, you might be joining our ranks if you decide to come along.  Then, the men will have an extra raft.” 
    She argued, “I’m not so sure about that.”  Just as Billie was about to ask why she would say that, Joy got a phone call from her agent. 
    When she left the room, Billie decided to ask Chris.  She inquired, “Is there something wrong?  If you don't mind me asking, is Joy unable to conceive?  Or does it have to do with not having children with Lana?”
    He responded, “Why so many questions?  Where did those thoughts come from all of a sudden? I have no idea why Joy would say that.  We’ve only been engaged a few months and we haven’t discussed children yet.  It could happen; I am not ruling anything out at this point.  If she gets pregnant, I am sure we will be wonderful parents.  You see what kind of father I am to Colby.”
    Billie snapped, “For a moment there, I thought you were going to be serious for once.  I also thought you were going to say something about your daughter.  How does Joy feel about that?”
    He claimed, “About the same way Lana did.  I haven’t really had any problems with the mother lately. So, Joy has not formed an opinion of her yet.  But, as I said before, we haven’t brought up the topic of kids much.  But, thanks to you, we probably will now.  What is taking her so long?” 
    Billie added, “If you don't mind me saying, you really should have discussed such a big topic before you got engaged."
    He didn't respond. She continued, "Are you in a hurry to get rid of me?  All you have to do is tell me to leave. Not that I would.  I have to finish getting ready anyway.  Tell Joy to call me when the two of you have reached a decision about the cruise.”
    Billie was feeling more comfortable being around Chris now, although he seemed to be still

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