A Chance In Time
tracked me
down. Through an accident on the train, I pushed some buttons on
the device and came to this time. I spent a long time running from
him, and I spent most of it walking on foot. The last thing I
remembered before you found me was wishing for some
    He cleared his throat.
“Anyway, you asked if I had a wife. I did have one, but then I
caught her having an affair with my brother and got a divorce. So
no, I didn’t have a wife to go back to. But I didn’t think I
deserved you, Penelope. My life was a mess before I met you. I was
barely getting by, and I stole the time travel device that belonged
to my employer. I thought I’d leave so you didn’t have to get
involved with a liar and a thief. I was going to get some gold and
bring some back for you so you would have some money to fix up your
place. I was going to hide the gold and let you discover it by the
well. You know, an ounce of gold goes a whole lot further in this
time than it does in mine.”
    Shaking her head, she said,
“But I don’t need gold.”
    “ Sure you do. That place
you got is going to fall apart unless it’s tended to. I might have
fixed up the barn, but you have other things that need
    “ No, that’s not what I
meant. I meant that I already have some gold jewelry. Cole, money
isn’t what I need or even want. I left my family to marry Randy
because my rich father wanted me to marry a man who didn’t love me.
I wasn’t sure Randy would love me either, but I knew Randy didn’t
believe in having a mistress on the side. There are things more
important than money.”
    “ Wow.” He exhaled and
laughed. “And here I thought you were destitute.”
    She smiled and squeezed his
hand. “I could sell the jewelry if I wanted, but it’s the only part
of my past I have left. I don’t want gold. I’d rather have you.
Surely, you knew that?”
    “ I did, but like I said, I
didn’t feel I deserved you. That kiss we shared before I got on the
train was the best kiss I ever had. Well, besides the one that made
us husband and wife. My first wife never kissed me that way. You
really do care for me.” He stroked her cheek his with his fingers
and then traced her lower lip. “After I got to Fargo, I realized
I’d be stupid to give up a chance to be with you. I gave the device
to Blake so I could return to you. I had to see if you’d forgive me
and take me back. I know I don’t deserve you, Penelope, but I’ll do
everything I can to be the kind of husband you can be proud of. I
love you.”
    She edged closer to him.
“And I love you.”
    Reaching up, she cupped the
side of his face and brought his face to hers so she could kiss
him. He returned her kiss, and pulled her into his arms. She missed
this. Being held by a man who promised himself only to her—a man
who wouldn’t run off to another woman.
    Once they removed their
clothes, he pulled back the sheets and waited until she settled
onto the bed before joining her. He wrapped her in his arms and
kissed her again, this time tracing his tongue along her lower lip
until she opened to him. She caressed the back of his neck and
deepened the kiss, relishing the thrill of tingles that traveled up
and down her spine as their tongues met.
    It’d been a long time since
she felt the intimate caress of a man as he ran his hand along her
skin, and every part of her relished this moment. Cole cupped one
breast in his hand while he slid his thigh between her legs. She
shivered with delight and shifted so that the area between her legs
was rubbing against him. Having been so long since that part of her
body had been stimulated, she rocked her hips in gentle rhythm,
slowly building the tension in her core. His fingers teased her
nipple, first rubbing it and then giving a gentle pinch so that it
hardened beneath his touch. The whole thing felt heavenly, and she
groaned her pleasure.
    His lips left hers and went
down to her neck, his breath hot on her flesh. She wrapped him
tightly in

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