In the Wind

Free In the Wind by Bijou Hunter

Book: In the Wind by Bijou Hunter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bijou Hunter
overnight is my deal breaker."
    "Until Yesenia," Colbie murmurs.
    "Yeah, she's a keeper."
    Bodie sighs. "Gross."
    "He's such a disgusting manbearpig, yet one virgin cleanses his dick from its rot. Not buying it."
    "First of all," Zane says, "nice visual." Once Bodie and Zane high-five each other, he continues, "Secondly, dear sister, love is a powerful do-over button."
    "Yes, it is," I say without thinking.
    Sawyer glares at me. "Some things can't be cleansed."
    "Wounds do heal."
    "Some fester as the infection spreads."
    "Another nice visual," Zane says.
    "What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger," I tell Sawyer because I can't stop pushing.
    "Hey, let's share embarrassing moments." Colbie announces. "I came up with that idea because of how you two are embarrassing yourself right now."
    Sawyer rolls her eyes, but Zane is game.
    "During our Sunflower Festival," he says, "I binged on beer, barbecue, and burritos. Ended up in the toilet here at the bar with explosive diarrhea and no toilet paper. As if that wasn't sexy enough, I puked and it got everywhere. So I'm stuck in the toilet stall covered in puke and shit. Then I doze off from all the booze and fall off the toilet seat. Finally, some guy sees me flopping around in between the stalls and gets my sisters."
    "We were thrilled to help," Bodie deadpans.
    "Ooh, my turn!" Colbie cries. "One day, I was rubbing in the faces of these uppity bitches how I'm super nice and close to God. I was really selling my goodness, when out of nowhere, a nun jumps on my back, and I'm forced to punch her in the face. Just really awkward."
    "Why would a nun attack you?" Sawyer asks, narrowing her eyes suspiciously. "You did something, didn't you?"
    "Not at all. I was actually behaving, which just proves how behaving only leads to bad things."
    Bodie smiles. "We have a theory the nun was either possessed by the devil or someone slipped her drugs. We're hoping it was drugs."
    Colbie nods. "Being possessed must be awful."
    "Now you," Bodie says to Sawyer.
    "It's not embarrassing, but I don't like admitting to it."
    "Prostitution?" Colbie asks, causing Sawyer to take a swipe at her.
    We all laugh except Sawyer. I can't tell if she wants to be in a bad mood or can't let me know she's in a good one.
    "When I was a kid, my family visited the Philippines. We traveled to a really poor area where people can barely feed their families. Pop wanted us to see how there's ugliness and beauty everywhere. So we had dinner with a family, and they served dog."
    "Evil," Colbie whispers.
    "I was nine and hungry. Besides, it would have been rude to say no."
    "Yes, and we all know you're allergic to rudeness."
    "Shut up."
    "Wait, was this dog you ate a Poodle?" Bodie asks. "We don't view them as real dogs."
    "I don't know what it was. I didn't see it in dog form. It's like eating a hamburger. You don't see the cow."
    "Evil," Colbie whispers again.
    "Fuck off," Sawyer growls.
    Bodie and Zane laugh at Sawyer's anger. Mainly because Colbie's clearly messing with her.
    "I punched a nun," Colbie finally tells Sawyer. "Stop being so maudlin. Not an attractive quality in a lady."
    "Lady," Zane snorts.
    The women glare at him, making Zane smile wider.
    "Bodie, tell the one where you ate that guy's hot dog, and it had a cigarette and gum in it."
    "How is that embarrassing for me?" she asks. Before anyone can answer, Bodie continues, "My most embarrassing moment happened when I was thirteen, and Dad took everyone to European Disneyland. I had a sinus infection, so I stayed home with only Mama Phuong."
    "I remember that trip. I was a princess."
    Bodie ignores her sister and continues, "I kept hearing weird noises at night and the walls would shake during storms. Not like normal, but in a possessed way. I was convinced the house was haunted, but I refused to leave. I mean, it's our house, and I'm not letting some asshole poltergeist push us out."
    "That is pretty lame," Zane says, causing Bodie to look pained.
    "I was

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