
Free Fragments by M. R. Field

Book: Fragments by M. R. Field Read Free Book Online
Authors: M. R. Field
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary
she never held a grudge. So why was now any different?
                  My gut instinct was telling me that something had happened, but aside from me being with Stacey, I couldn’t think of what it could be. Stepping into our kitchen, I grabbed a quick glass of water and gulped it down. I was frustrated at why Bea was being weird. Rinsing the glass, I reached out for the tea towel to find my dad standing there with his arms folded across his chest.  My pulse quickened as I tried to determine what mood he was in. 
                  “Hey, Dad.” I pulled on the towel, eager to keep my fingers busy.
                  “Did you pull an all-nighter, Son ? Seems like you’re looking a bit tired.” He stiffened, drawing his eyes down my body.
                  “I was home last night. I was just out now, talking to Bea.” I folded the tea towel neatly and placed it back on the oven rail. 
                  “Jesus, Alex! How many fuckin’ girls you got going on at the moment? That neighbour, and that tart? You really are a worthless piece of shit.” My shoulders tightened as I faced him straight on.
                  “Bea is a friend. Stacey is my girlfriend. ” The veins in my neck popped as I raised my pointed finger at him. “It’s none of your business.” 
                  “Oh, for fuck’s sake, Alex. Pull your head out of your arse. This is your final year. You better not fuck it up. I’m paying for your fees! Get your arse in your room and study.” This was bullshit. He wasn’t even drunk and he was pissing me off. 
                  “Whatever, I’m going out. I haven’t gotten shit grades in years. Next time, read my report before you judge.” I stomped past him but was drawn back by his tight grip on my arm.
    His mouth was an inch from my ear when he whispered, “You better not fuck this up, Alex. You fuck it up and that truck goes. It’s time you grew up and became a man.” I tore his arm off me, causing him to lose balance and smack his hip into the table. I ignored his grunts as I walked towards the door. 
                  “I’ve been a man for over a year. I’m planning on being one again tonight, old man.” Fuck me. First Bea, and now my dad was pissing me off. Today was a shit day all around. I flipped my phone open and dialled Stacey’s number.
                  “I’ll be there in ten,” I said, flipping it shut and tossing it into my truck.
    Driving to pick up Stacey, my thoughts turned back to Bea. I couldn’t put my finger on what was wrong. Unless … was Bea jealous? Nah, couldn’t be. But then what was she hiding from? She never looked at me like I was anything more than her brother’s best mate. Sure, I’d checked her out a few times discreetly—what hot-blooded male wouldn’t?—but I never saw her do the same. 
    It was hard being around Bea sometimes. She didn’t seem to realise the effect she had on guys. As far as she was concerned, she was just a boring girl, but to us it was a fuck of a lot more. Her soft hair and her curves were amazing, but it was her eyes that got your attention. You could tell what she was thinking about by looking at her baby blues. And even though she had a very impressive rack, it was her legs that our mates noticed first. Boobs were always a given when it came to getting a man’s attention, but a dancer with tanned legs that went on forever … Well, a man’s fucked if he believed he could get his brain to do the thinking while looking at those. I was just lucky Robbie couldn’t read my mind. He’d already spent enough time kicking heads in for comments about Bea—and I often kicked a few in as well—but if he knew what went through my mind, he’d seriously kick my ass. Thoughts of those legs kept me up at night.
    Fuck! I couldn’t go there. I shook my head and put it down to hormones and the need to get laid. Yep,

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