A Bit of Heaven on Earth

Free A Bit of Heaven on Earth by Lauren Linwood

Book: A Bit of Heaven on Earth by Lauren Linwood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lauren Linwood
deceived him for all these years and confessed on her deathbed. He would not stand for it, nor would he let you grace his presence ever again.”
    In the stillness of the night, Eben’s words lingered. Gavin’s mind fought the numbing shock settling over it. He doubted his mother could behave in such a manner. More than likely, Berwyn wanted to please the new mistress of Ashgrove and allow her son to inherit the estate.
    “We had standing orders if you ever turned up at Ashgrove again. You were to be struck down upon first sight.” Eben mopped his brow. “No one could do that, my lord. You are most beloved by your people and innocent in this matter.”
    As he mulled over things in his mind, Gavin knew it to be true. He’d been loved by his father for all his years, even if Berwyn had not paid him much attention. It would take more than simple misfortune to turn the man away from him. In that moment Gavin realized while he was away, Berwyn had learned a truth that destroyed the tenuous relationship fostered with his son over a lifetime.
    And that meant Gavin’s life as he knew it was now over. He possessed no home. No family. No money or land of his own. Where should he turn?
    Instinctively, the answer came. He would go south, to Lord Aldred. Aldred would know what to do. Aldred would slice through the confusion and help him see to the heart of the matter. Aldred would give him the advice he needed and shelter him. Moreover, Robert’s family lived nearby. Not only would he have counsel from a man he greatly admired, but he knew he could count on his closest friend for guidance, as well.
    He pulled himself to his feet. Exhausted after so long a journey, another one, even longer, now awaited him.
    Eben must have seen the weariness in his eyes, for he spoke to him gently. “Come, my lord. I shall saddle you a horse. Even now, my wife and others gather clean clothes and food for you. I beg you. Never return here. Lord Berwyn won’t take kindly to those that disobeyed his orders and allowed you into Ashgrove tonight.”
    Gavin winced at the punishment the watchmen and others might face, all at his expense. He, more than most, knew the extent of Berwyn’s wrath when stirred up.
    “I cannot allow it, Eben. A missing horse? Father—Lord Berwyn—will have your head for giving me the mount.”
    The servant touched a hand to his shoulder. “Nay, my lord. He shall never know. This is wrong, to be treated worse than an animal, thrown out with nothing. We mean to right things as best we can, for we know how he left you to suffer in that prison.”
    Before Gavin could protest, three men entered the stables.
    “I’ll saddle the horse, Eben. Here are clothes for Lord Gavin,” said one. He quickly hurried away to ready the horse.
    The other two smiled encouragingly at Gavin, both playmates of his nigh on a score ago. They handed over a piece of cloth tied together holding food and a small coin purse. Gavin knew the risk they took in aiding him.
    “’Tis not much,” the older of the two proclaimed. “But ‘twill help buy a meal or two as you make your way to . . . ” The man’s voice trailed off.
    “I go to—”
    “Nay, my lord,” Eben interrupted. “If we know not where you flee, we cannot give that information to Lord Berwyn, should he request it.” The look Eben gave him, and what he left unsaid, convinced Gavin of the wisdom in keeping his plans to himself.
    “Then I give you my gratitude, Eben.” He looked at the other men gathered about. “To you and to all who have sacrificed for me.” He wrapped his arms about Eben, knowing he would never see the older man again. “I’ll not forget this day nor your kind gestures.”
    He called for Homer. The fur ball came running from his hiding place and wound through his legs. Gavin lifted the cat and placed him back in his sack. Homer curled up, his brief adventure in the stables over.
    He turned and mounted the horse, a nondescript brown. Eben handed up the bundle

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