Keeping Meg (Devil's Knights #6)

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Book: Keeping Meg (Devil's Knights #6) by Winter Travers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Winter Travers
her she didn’t need her hair done up, I’d rather her look like she does every day, and all I got was a pillow to the face and told to shut up. I wasn’t about to ask her this morning what time they were going to be done.”
    “Yo, you fuckers done in here?” Troy was standing in the doorway, leaning against the frame.
    “Yeah, what’s up?” Rigid asked.
    I knew why he was here, and I knew none of these fuckers were going to be happy. “We’ve got an appointment in half an hour. We need to fucking go. Y'all fucking meetings take forever, talk more than fucking women,” Troy said.
    “What the hell do you mean, appointment? I can’t remember the last time I had a fucking appointment.” Rigid, Gambler, and Demon all looked confused as fuck. This was all my fault, but I would basically do anything to make Meg happy. But the thing of it was, she hadn’t even asked me to do this. I just knew this was something she wanted.
    “What the fuck is the appointment for?” Demon demanded.
    “I can’t believe you didn’t fucking tell them,” Troy laughed. “Oh, this is going to be good. I’ve at least had a week to get used to the idea. You tell them, I don’t feel like getting my ass kicked today.” Troy pulled out one of the empty chairs and sat down, crossing his arms over his chest.
    All three guys turned to me, and I knew I had to fucking tell them. Although, maybe I could just knock them all out and drag them to the tux place. Yes, I was going to wear a fucking tux for the wedding, and I was going to make all these fuckers wear one, too. Misery loves company. “Get your asses up, we’re going to the fucking tux shop.”
    “What the fuck! Gwen said Meg wasn’t making us wear fucking tuxes. We could wear our cuts. I call fucking bullshit.” Gambler stood up, slamming his chair back into the wall.
    “That is what Meg said. But I know what the hell Meg wants. She wants us all in tuxes, but she knew you assholes wouldn’t do it. So, I’m gonna surprise her, and I’m gonna make you fuckers do it.”
    “Hey! What about Slider? I’m not doing it unless he does.” Fucking Rigid thought he had found an out, but he was wrong.
    “Slider went yesterday and got fitted.”
    “Son of a bitch! You wait until Cyn and I get married, you’re wearing a fucking speedo down the goddamn aisle.” Rigid stormed from the room, pulling his phone out of his pocket. “Don’t fucking let Meg know!” I knew he was texting Cyn about it, which was fine, as long as she didn’t tell Meg.
    “I can’t believe how fucking whipped you are,” Demon said, shaking his head as he flipped his phone over and over in his hand.
    “I’m not fucking whipped; I’m just giving Meg something I know she wants but won’t ask because she knows I’ll fucking hate it. I’m not happy about it either, but I know the look on her face when she sees me will be worth it.”
    I glanced over at Gambler, who had his nose buried in his phone, his fingers typing furiously. Both Rigid and Gambler ran to their women when they had a problem. I would say they were each a bit whipped also. “If you put me in anything that is pink or purple, I will break both of your arms and steal your woman and her dog.” Demon strode out of the room, shaking his head. “All of you are whipped assholes,” he mumbled.
    “Well, that was entertaining,” Troy laughed.
    “Get in the fucking truck, fuckers. Let’s get this shit done and then I have something else to do.” The second stop was also a surprise for Meg, but this stop I knew everyone else was going to like.
    “Holy fuck, I look like Pipi Longstocking. What the hell did you do to me?”
    “Relax, I already know what I’m going to do with your hair.”
    “Then why the hell do I look like Pipi instead of a sexy, ravishing beauty.” The girls and I were gathered at the salon, going over wedding hair and plans. My ass was planted in Gwen’s chair, and at the moment, I was having a mini

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