Keeping Meg (Devil's Knights #6)

Free Keeping Meg (Devil's Knights #6) by Winter Travers

Book: Keeping Meg (Devil's Knights #6) by Winter Travers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Winter Travers
following close behind. His hands roamed over my body as the water poured over us. He grabbed the soap, lathering it between his hands and spread it all over my breasts, teasing and taunting me with every touch. “I missed you today, Meg.” His hands glided over my arms leaving a soapy trail as they wrapped around me, lathering up my back.
    “I missed you, too,” I whispered, closing my eyes, feeling his rough yet gentle hands claim my body.
    He pushed me against the wall, his arms caging me in. He cupped my chin, his thumb stroking my jaw. “Thank you for being there for me today, babe.”
    “You’re welcome, hunny.” I had never met a man so sweet that he makes me want to cry and in the next second he steals my breath away, demanding my body in every way I’ll give to him.
    He pressed his lips to mine, slowly assaulting all my senses. One hand cradled my face, while the other slid between our bodies, one finger separating the lips of my pussy. I gasped as he flicked my clit and one finger pumped inside me, already building my desire. “So responsive,” he moaned against my lips. “Only for me.”
    “Yes,” I whispered, closing my eyes, tucking my face into his neck.
    “I’m gonna make you cum, and as soon as you do, I’m gonna fuck the hell out of you until you’re screaming my name, cumming again.” A small tremor rocked through my body, and I knew it wouldn’t be long. He flicked my clit while two fingers now pumped in and out while he assaulted my lips, taking and giving. I tossed my head back as he sped up, driving me to the brink then backing off, over and over. “You’re my greedy girl, aren’t you?”
    I moaned at his words, knowing I should be ashamed, but I needed his touch more than my next breath. “Please,” I begged.
    “You’re mine.” He leaned in his lips on my ear. “No one gets this but me.” His teeth tugged on the shell of my ear as his fingers pinched my clit and I fell over the edge, tossing my head back. He kept working me over, wringing every last tremor and moan from my lips. “Mine,” he growled in my ear. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and held on, fearful my legs wouldn’t hold me up anymore.
    “One down, one more to go,” I smirked.
    “So greedy.” Lo shook his head and grabbed my ass. “Climb up, babe. Time for you to go for a ride.” I managed to wrap my legs around his waist, his cock nudged between the lips of my pussy while he pinned me against the wall.
    His fingers dug into my ass as he pulled away and slowly entered me. “I love when you fuck me like this,” I gasped.
    “I love any way you let me fuck you. Your body was made for me.” I bit my lip as he pulled in and out, my desire already building again. I wrapped my arms around his neck and held on as he sped up, my breathing labored as I fought against the slow burn he was building.
    “Lo,” I moaned over and over. I threaded my fingers through his hair and leaned forward, resting my forehead against his forehead.
    “Open your eyes. I wanna watch you cum.” I bit my lip and opened my eyes, drowning in Lo’s dark green eyes that were filled with desire and lust.
    “Logan,” I called as he slammed into me, teetering on the edge of oblivion. “I… I love… Logan… Logan,” I chanted over and over. He grabbed my hair and gently tugged my head back and rained kisses down my neck, sucking and nibbling. “Logan!” I screamed as my orgasm slammed into me as he bit my neck.
    “You’re mine. All mine.” He pounded into me, taking everything I was giving, my heart included. “I love you, only you. Forever.”
    I pressed a kiss to his lips, gently sucking on his bottom lip and he groaned low as his release came, filling me full. “Son of a bitch,” he groaned, wrapping his arms around me, holding me close. “Every time better than the last,” he whispered.
    I rested my head on his shoulders and closed my eyes. This was what I always wanted. No matter the problem or obstacles

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