The Arrangement (New Hampshire Bears Novella)

Free The Arrangement (New Hampshire Bears Novella) by Mary Smith

Book: The Arrangement (New Hampshire Bears Novella) by Mary Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mary Smith
    After speaking to Vance, I told Mum and Dad I was leaving. I hated leaving Aimee’s wedding, but I couldn’t be there. Since then, I’ve been holed up at the apartment.
    Mum and Dad have checked in on me every day and Vance has been sending over chocolates and flowers. His cards read: With all my heart . Not sure how much I believe him, or if he sent them or his brothers.
    Now, Wednesday evening is upon me and I’ve made no decision. The plane to America leaves in less than ten hours, but I still sit on my couch staring off into nothing.
    “Let’s eat.” Mum touches my shoulder.
    I nod and follow her to the table where Dad already sits. I pick at my food, not eating a bite.
    “Want to talk, darling?” Dad asks, stabbing at a piece of broccoli.
    “What would you do?” I put the fork down, leaning back in my chair.
    Mum spoke up first. “I would go.”
    “Because I don’t want any regrets in my life. If you don’t go, you’ll always wonder what if. And if you do go, you can see what happens between you two.”
    Deep down, Mum’s words ring true to me. I don’t want regrets in my life, although, I really haven’t done much.
    “Darling.” Dad’s voice is softer than normal. “Your mum is right. Plus, you don’t want to hurt Vance; we know how deeply you care for him.”
    I nod because I do care for Vance.
    “How about this?” Mum brightens up. “Go to America and the draft with Vance and if nothing has changed with him, come home. If there has been a difference in him, then you and he can start your lives together.”
    Instead of answering her, I pick up my fork and began eating. The plane takes off in less than ten hours; this means I have eight hours to make sure this is right choice for me.

    I want to be comfortable on the plane so jeans and a blouse seem like a good idea. Sleeping is something I didn’t do all night since I’d been packing. What does one wear to a professional hockey draft? Thanks to a few Goggle searches, a simple black skirt and red wrap shirt it is. Vance likes red. So, I go with a purple wrap.
    After I pass security, I stroll toward the gate. The plane is to leave soon, and I don’t even know if the Pembertons are here or on the plane. Certainly, they are here, but I’ve not seen them. As the heels of my boots click-clack on the flooring, I become nervous. The sign for my gate gets closer, and I debate if I should keep going or turn and run back to the apartment.
    The first person I saw is Mrs. Pemberton. She’s standing next to Vance, whose back is to me. Her face is red, and I notice Apollo is on his other side and is just as mad. Vance’s shoulders are hunched over, his head hanging.
    I stop walking and watch their interactions. I could almost feel the anger and disappointment from where I stand. Mrs. Pemberton tosses her hands in the air, and Apollo keeps shaking his head.
    I love my family and I’m thankful they’re not like the Pembertons. Yes, they are strict, but they let me make this choice, and I don’t want any regrets.
    I take a deep breath, hold my head up high, and walk over to him. Mrs. Pemberton sees me first; her red face pales, and she gasps, covering her mouth. Even Apollo’s mouth drops seeing me coming forward.
    Vance turns around, seemingly baffled by what they are looking at. I stop as he stares at me. I open my mouth to say…something. However, I’m stunned when Vance races to me, wrapping me in his arms, lifting me in the air.
    “Thank you,” he repeats over and over, kissing my cheek.
    “Put me down, Vance,” I say very quietly. When my feet are planted on the ground, he has a panicked face. “I’m going to America, but we need to talk. Alone.”
    I go to tell him not right now, but Mr. Pemberton says the flight is ready. Vance picks up my bags as the family greets me. I never realized how fake the Pembertons are. Vance is right, they treat him differently. I follow them down the ramp

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