Heart Of Marley

Free Heart Of Marley by T.K. Leigh

Book: Heart Of Marley by T.K. Leigh Read Free Book Online
Authors: T.K. Leigh
You didn’t know that?”
    Her face turned red. “No. I’m sorry, Doug. I had no idea.”
    He shrugged. “It’s okay. It’s not a disease or anything. And I get more holidays than all of you! My family’s not really that Jewish. I mean, we do some holidays, but it’s mostly for the food. I’m a sucker for a latke.”
    We all erupted in laughter and, for a little while, everything felt perfect. The miles between Myrtle Beach and Charleston passed with ease as we fought over who got to control the radio, Marley constantly leaning from the back to try to find Madonna, singing at the top of her lungs when she finally stumbled across a radio station playing Vogue . I laughed at Brianna and Marley and all their hand gestures as they sang along with the “Material Girl”.
    After a fun-filled two-hour drive with musical accompaniment that ranged from Janet Jackson to Metallica and everything in between, I finally pulled off the interstate and drove through the historic streets of downtown Charleston. Finding a public lot off of Market Street, I parked the Wrangler and our small little party went in search of amusement on that sunny, warm August day.
    “Where to first?” I asked as we walked down a narrow cobblestone sidewalk, a horse-drawn carriage going by as it gave out-of-towners a tour of one of the most haunted cities in South Carolina.
    “You know where,” Marley replied, raising her eyebrows at me.
    Groaning, I glanced over my shoulder at Doug, his eyes trained on Marley as if something horrible would happen if he looked away. “Hope you like to shop. Marley’s got a thing for the central marketplace.”
    “It’s fantastic, Cam!” she protested. “Where else can you look at table after table of homemade goods, instead of that crappy commercial stuff you get everywhere else? I’m all about supporting the little guy. And I plan on supporting them with my latest paycheck!”
    “Fine. But if Doug and I have to suffer through this, can we at least eat first?”
    “I suppose.”
    “Actually,” Brianna said, finally joining in on the conversation, “I’m kind of hungry, too. It is past noon.”
    “That settles it. We eat first. Crab House, Mar?” I asked, looking back over my shoulder.
    She nodded in agreement. “Is there anywhere else? You know I’m a creature of habit.”
    I led the way across Market Street toward the Crab House. The hostess sat us at a table outside and we finally relaxed for the first time all morning.
    “So,” Doug said, breaking the ice a bit, “is there a reason y’all played hooky from church today?”
    I noticed Marley’s back become rigid and she gave me a cautioning look. Even if she hadn’t, I wasn’t going to say anything. It wasn’t my place. “No reason.” I shrugged. “I figured it was too nice a day to waste it in some church basement, socializing with people we hardly know.”
    “Yeah,” Brianna said, rolling her eyes. “Marley and I will have enough of that in the coming months with all the functions we have to be at for the Jessamine Court.”
    I turned to her. “Your step-dad’s on the committee with my aunt, isn’t he?”
    “Yeah.” Her voice was quiet and I could sense that she didn’t like speaking about her step-father so I tried to change the subject.
    “How’s your father been? Is he teaching at the school again this year?”
    She swallowed hard, her carefree demeanor still replaced by agitation. I could only assume that she was nervous about skipping out on her Sunday obligations with her family, as well. We would all pretty much be in the doghouse when we got home, with the exception of Doug. He definitely had the most liberal and understanding parents in town.
    “Yeah, he is. And at Coastal Carolina University, too.”
    “He seems to have his fingers in lots of pockets, doesn’t he?” Doug commented.
    “He sure does,” Brianna replied.
    “Whatever happened between you and Mason?” he asked.
    Marley elbowed him. “Douglas!

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