Lip Lock: Country Fever, Book 2

Free Lip Lock: Country Fever, Book 2 by Em Petrova

Book: Lip Lock: Country Fever, Book 2 by Em Petrova Read Free Book Online
Authors: Em Petrova
tenants need to have things fixed.”
    Hayley gave a short, “Excuse me,” and shoved her chair back so fast, it nearly fell over. She caught the back with an apologetic smile then fled to the restroom.
    Slamming the metal door to the bathroom stall, Hayley pressed her back against it, breathing hard. Steve, her apartment manager, was on the phone with Brant? It had to be the same Steve.
    Brant owned a building that Steve managed? Her building? Her stomach plummeted to the soles of her feet.
    She was two months in arrears with her rent.
    Did Brant know this? Maybe he had no clue who lived in the building, but only cared about the cash coming in.
    All at once, she wanted to cry. The money issue weighed on her, a stone dragging her down to the bottom of a fathomless pool. If only that son of a bitch ex of hers would come up with his child support.
    It didn’t seem she’d receive payment anytime soon, which meant she had to come up with the money on her own. Drake’s dad never contributed, and the state wouldn’t go after him because on paper, it didn’t look as if he did anything but mooch off his latest girlfriend.
    Hayley had to get the money before Brant found out, if he didn’t already know. He wanted her now—but once he discovered she was keeping cash out of his pocket, would he?
    The bigger question was did she want him to be interested in her? He represented everything she knew enough to run from—the chemistry between them was similar to that she’d experienced with Kent so many years ago.
    But she couldn’t hide from Brant. He tracked her down at work, at the ball field. If he didn’t know where she lived yet, he soon would.
    She smacked her palm on the door. Dammit, she wanted him too. Passion roared through her whenever she looked at his solid, muscular frame and handsome features. The chiseled lines of his jaw ignited her, and his eyes… The Wyoming sky had never been so blue.
    Stay or go? Agree to dinner with him? Or back off and keep under his radar until she paid her rent?
    Either way, she had to return to the coffee shop. He’d think her a madwoman by the way she left, but that couldn’t be helped now.
    Drawing a deep breath, she exited the stall, washed her hands and then went into the main dining area.
    Across the room, she met Brant’s intense gaze. Heat slithered low through her belly and lower into her sex. Need pulsed in her clit, memories of his talented tongue dancing over her bud too fresh in her mind.
    By the time she sank into her seat across from him, she was dripping wet.
    “Everything okay?” He closed his hands over hers, staring into her eyes—into her soul.
    Fuck, she was in deeper than she’d hoped. “Listen, Brant, about tonight—”
    He leaned in, infusing her senses with his scent. God, his lips were so close.
    “Don’t even think about turning me down, Hayley. I can’t wait any longer than tonight to see you. If I didn’t have appointments scheduled all afternoon, I’d close down shop and steal you away.”
    Warmth spread through her, along with those special tingles she associated with his touch. Unable to help herself, she inclined toward him. He closed the gap, his lips suddenly on hers.
    A wave of dizziness captured her. For a long minute, she only felt his hard lips and the tip of his velvety tongue smoothing over hers. Her life faded—Kent, money troubles, Drake’s thoughts on her dating—all lost to the moment.
    Someone walked by their table, wrenching her back to reality. Straightening, she whispered, “We’ve gotta stop with the public displays of affection. My son would be mortified.”
    Brant gave a rumble of laughter, but his gaze still held the fire from their exchange. “I’ll pick you up after the game tonight.”
    She shook her head.
    “Then I’ll meet you somewhere.”
    “No, Brant—”
    “I’ll come to the game and attack you under the stands.”
    Images floated through her mind, a parade of sexy poses and naked limbs. She

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