Rough Riders Bundle 1(books 1, 2, 3)

Free Rough Riders Bundle 1(books 1, 2, 3) by Lorelei James

Book: Rough Riders Bundle 1(books 1, 2, 3) by Lorelei James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lorelei James
Tags: Fiction, Romance
wanting to do it right because she didn’t know how she felt about him coming on her face. Her tongue shot out and curled around the tip. On his next stroke, she let her lips close around the whole head.
    “Yeah. Like that. As soon as my balls are ready to explode, my cock is goin’ all the way in this pretty mouth.”
    A fresh rush of moisture gushed between her legs.
    Callused hands gripped her hips. “I can smell you creaming, but hang tight, while I get some lube,” Colby said. “I don’t want to hurt you.” Two fingers twisted inside her, mixing the KY with her natural lubrication.
    Channing tensed when she felt the head of Colby’s cock poised at her entrance. He was a big man—bigger than any she’d ever been with—and even though she couldn’t wait to feel him stuffing her pussy full, part of her was a little scared.
    “Don’t tense up. Once I’m in, it’ll feel good. Real good, I promise.” As Colby worked his dick in slowly, Trevor began thrusting harder, muttering. Channing wished she could see everything that was happening to her, but the blindfold remained on and her hands were still immobilized above her head.
    “Fuck. Here it comes. Open up wide.” Trevor released her breasts and cupped one hand under her neck, lifting her higher so his cock slid deeper into her mouth. At the same time, Colby rammed into her to the hilt.
    She moaned as hot bursts of come splashed against the back of her throat, a saltier, earthier taste than Colby’s. As Trevor rocked against her face, his balls tickled her chin. She swallowed convulsively, feeling the heat and need spiraling through her as Colby slammed into her sopping-wet cunt, his hips pistoning faster and faster like a runaway train.
    Trevor rolled off her body and began to suck her nipples as Colby reamed her, harder and harder, pulling completely out, and ramming back in until he hit the top of her uterus.
    “Darlin’, I ain’t gonna last,” Colby grunted.
    Channing arched, whimpering, “Yes, yes, yes,” as Colby stroked her clit and she detonated like a nuclear reactor.
    He followed right behind. Her strong interior muscles clutched his dick like teeth, keeping his pulsing shaft submerged inside her after he’d shot his load.
    Breathing as hard as she was, Colby crumpled against her.
    He rested his head on her belly as Trevor untied her hands and rubbed her wrists to get the blood flowing again.
    While she tried to assess the delicious damage the men’s passion had inflicted upon her unsuspecting body, Trevor leaned over and kissed her, gently removing the blindfold.
    “Thank you, darlin’. Plenty more where that came from. But get some sleep. I’m gonna go check on Edgard and make sure he ain’t getting shitfaced with the horses.” Trevor slipped on his sweat bottoms, leaving his broad, sweaty chest bare, and exited the room before she caught her breath.
    Colby eased his spent cock from her with painstaking slowness. He disposed of the condom and shut off the lights. He picked her limp body up and hugged her close as he flipped back the covers and then slid them between the cool sheets.
    “I’m so tired,” she murmured.
    He kissed the top of her head. “Sleep. You deserve it. You’re gonna need your strength for tomorrow because I can’t wait to have you again. And again. You’re gonna be as bowlegged as Cash by the time I get through with you.”
    Channing sighed dreamily. But she wasn’t ready to drift off into la-la land yet. She wanted to know everything about Colby McKay. “Tell me about your life on your ranch in the wilds of Wyoming.”
    Colby dragged his fingers up and down her spine. “It’s like heaven and hell rolled into one. Parts of the land are beautiful; parts are butt ugly and barren. But the whole shebang has been in the McKay family for over a hundred years, so it’s home.”
    “You ever lived anyplace else?”
    “Nope. Never wanted to. I’ve never wanted to do anything with my life besides work on the

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