Follow Me (Corrupted Hearts)

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Book: Follow Me (Corrupted Hearts) by Tiffany Snow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tiffany Snow
    I was mortified, but Clark just laughed.
    “Thanks for the compliment,” he said. “But I’m actually in human resources.”
    “That’s great,” I said, grabbing Mia’s arm and squeezing. “We’ll just leave you alone then.”
    “We should help him,” Mia said. “Between the two of us, we can help.”
    Before I could say anything, she’d taken a position next to me. “Okay, on the count of three.”
    Clark grinned and bent to grab the couch. “One, two . . . three.”
    We all heaved. Mia and I scrabbled backward through the door.
    “Ouch!” I’d banged my side against the handle as we maneuvered.
    “You okay?” Clark asked, not even huffing slightly, whereas I was trying not to grunt with the effort I was exerting. She-Ra, I was not.
    “Yep . . . fine,” I gritted out.
    We managed to get the couch inside, where Mia and I unceremoniously dropped it, both of us out of breath.
    “Thanks a lot,” Clark said. “That went faster than I thought it would.” He pushed the couch a few times and I admired the muscles bulging in his arms and back. Then the couch must have been arranged to his satisfaction because he stood back to take a look.
    “Glad we could help,” Mia piped up. “Hey, we just ordered Chinese food. Have you had dinner?”
    My jaw was somewhere in the vicinity of the floor. I never in my wildest dreams would just invite a man over for dinner— especially a man who looked like Superman.
    “Actually, I haven’t,” Clark said, glancing at me. “I’d love some Chinese, if it wouldn’t be too much of an imposition.”
    When I didn’t say anything, Mia dug her elbow into my side and I winced. “No, it’s fine. We’d love the company,” I said on cue.
    “Great! Thanks! Give me a few minutes to clean up and I’ll be right over.” Another full-wattage smile.
    “Awesome! See you soon,” Mia said, taking my elbow and dragging me out the door.
    It wasn’t until we were back inside my place that I regained full cognizance.
    “What did you do?” I asked, turning on Mia. “You invited a total stranger here? For dinner ? Are you insane?”
    “Correction,” she said, going to the kitchen to get another plate and fork. “I invited the completely awesome hot guy to dinner. That’s way different and totally acceptable.”
    “We don’t even know him,” I protested. “He could be an ax murderer.”
    She paused on her way back to the living room, her expression dreamy. “There are worse ways to go.”
    There was no reasoning with a hormonal teenage girl.
    Luckily, I’d doubled our order tonight because I hadn’t known how much Mia would eat, so there was plenty of food. But that didn’t do a thing for my nerves as we waited for Clark’s imminent arrival. I redid my ponytail twice and pushed my glasses so far up my nose, my eyelashes were brushing the lenses.
    I was feeding The Doctor when a knock sounded on the door. Mia bounded over to answer before I’d even put away the fish food.
    “Hi again!” Mia said as Clark walked in.
    He grinned and looked around the room, his gaze stopping when it rested on me. “Hi,” he said.
    I was so nervous, I didn’t know what to say, even though I felt a smile curve my lips. It was impossible not to smile when a man who looked like Superman said hello to you. His sexy grin should have been outlawed, as should the jeans that clung to his hips and thighs and . . . oh God. I really needed to stop reading those damn romance novels.
    “We have tons of beef and broccoli,” Mia said cheerfully. “Hope that’s good with you.”
    “Beef and broccoli sounds great,” Clark said, heading toward me. “Is this your fish?”
    “No. It’s just this huge tank of water I use for decoration. I can’t keep the fish out of it.” The smart-ass reply popped out before I could stop it. To my relief, Clark didn’t take offense. Instead, he laughed, the warm, rich sound filling the room and lighting up his already-sparkling blue

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