Zaureth: A SciFi Alien Romance (Enigma Series Book 4)

Free Zaureth: A SciFi Alien Romance (Enigma Series Book 4) by Ditter Kellen

Book: Zaureth: A SciFi Alien Romance (Enigma Series Book 4) by Ditter Kellen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ditter Kellen
She gave up and laid her head against his shoulder, listening as Oz launched into a story of the Cuban cartel.
    Several minutes passed without interruption before Zaureth lifted a hand. “This Carlito Acosta; you ended his life when you were a child and took his diamonds?”
    Oz nodded. “An eye for an eye. He killed my mother.”
    “I understand,” Zaureth murmured. “Tell me about this man’s son.”
    Oz ran a hand down his face. “He carries the same name as his father. From what I hear, he is more ruthless than his old man had ever been.”
    “How did he find you here?” Amy asked, studying Oz’s face through Zaureth’s eyes. She couldn’t get enough of watching the different expressions he made as he spoke.
    Jealously, swift and sure, traveled from Zaureth’s mind and into hers. “ You find his face desirable?”
    “No, of course not,” Amy sent back . “I am only taking in the many expressions he makes. Sight is new to me, Zaureth.”
    Zaureth gently squeezed her hand. “ I am sorry, sweet Amy. I do not have control of my emotions when it comes to you.”
    Amy’s stomach fluttered at his words. “I feel the same about you.”
    “Are you two even listening?” Oz quipped, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms over his chest.
    Heat rushed to Amy’s face. She prayed Oz couldn’t read their thoughts as the other Bracadytes could. “I’m sorry. I—”
    “I’m only teasing,” Oz interrupted, saving Amy from the embarrassment of explaining her silent conversation with Zaureth. “I came here to let you know that Carlito escaped during the chaos. I have no doubt that he will return, and as long as you remain here, you are at risk of being caught in the crossfire.”
    Amy’s heart began to pound. She quickly sat up, pulling her hand free of Zaureth’s hold. “First our government, now the cartel. Where will we go? We can’t go back to the States. Not until things settle down there.”
    Oz pinched the bridge of his nose. “Klause plans on returning to Aukrabah.”
    “What?” Amy gasped, clutching at Zaureth’s hand once more. “How am I supposed to get there?”
    “The same way Abbie, Tony, and Mallory are getting there. With special dive equipment,” Oz pointed out.
    Amy moved to get up, but Zaureth locked onto her arm. “Where are you going?”
    “To find my sister. She’s pregnant, Zaureth. She can’t dive in her condition.”
    Zaureth tugged Amy back to his side. “I will call for Vaulcron to bring your sister to us. I do not want you to leave my side. Not as long as Carlito Acosta is out there.”
    “I hadn’t thought about Mallory’s condition,” Oz admitted. “Diving to that depth is definitely out of the question.”
    Oz suddenly stood. “I have a place at the other end of the island. It’s secluded, and very few people know of its location. Your sister and Vaulcron can stay there until Acosta has been found.”
    “What about Amy?” Zaureth questioned. “Will there be room for her as well?”
    “Do not talk about me as if I’m not here,” Amy muttered. “I’ve had to deal with that type of behavior all my life. I’m not staying behind like some poor child in need of babysitting. I will go to Aukrabah along with everyone else.”
    Oz quietly crept toward the door. “I’ll just let you two hash that out.”
    Amy waited until the door closed behind him before continuing. “I may be blind, but—”
    Zaureth’s mouth slanting over hers cut off the rest of her argument.
    Amy forgot about everything but the feel of his lips moving against hers.
    Long moments passed before Zaureth broke off the kiss and rested his forehead against hers. “I want you to go to Aukrabah, more than anything. I want you to appreciate its raw beauty in the same sense that I do. But Aukrabah is very different from the surface. There are none of the luxuries that humans are used to, such as television, radio, or even electricity. What if…”
    “What if what?” Amy prompted

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