Vampire Girl 3: Silver Flame

Free Vampire Girl 3: Silver Flame by Karpov Kinrade

Book: Vampire Girl 3: Silver Flame by Karpov Kinrade Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karpov Kinrade
    "I can, and I will. Now get up. We leave shortly." He sheathes my sword and begins rolling up the bedding I was laying on.
    "Who do you think you are, telling me what to do?"
    "I'm the man with the weapons. The man with the horse. And the man with the provisions. How long do you think you'll survive the Outlands by yourself with nothing but your clothing… if I let you keep even that?"
    "And if I refuse?"
    He grins, and I want to punch him. "You're coming with me, one way or another. You can ride on your own, or I can tie you up and strap you to my horse. Makes no difference to me, but might make a big difference to you after a few hours. You decide."
    With that he strides out of the cave with all our supplies. I look around, but all that's left to do is put out the fire. I'm fuming when I get outside, but he's got his horse packed and ready to go. He's just waiting for me. "Which option will the vampire princess choose?"
    I hiss at him with fangs revealed, something I never do. "Better sleep with one eye open, jackass. I hear your kind are particularly tasty."
    He laughs and throws a leg over his horse, then holds out a hand for me. I ignore it and mount by myself. This isn't a surrender, I tell myself. It's me buying myself time to figure out a plan. Being tied up won't help me.
    But when he chuckles again, I can't resist the urge to smack the back of his head. "Shut it."
    At our first rest stop, I'm no closer to answers than I was three hours ago. He hands me bread and dried meat and I devour the food greedily. As I sip on the water he gives me, I look at him again. He's a handsome man, and he knows it. Tall, skin the color of dark honey, and those eyes. His hair is dark and disheveled and he has a shadow of dark stubble across his jaw. "What's your name?" I ask.
    "Tavian. Tavian Gray," he says, his eyes teasing me about something. "And of course, I already know yours, Kayla Windhelm. Was Windhelm a name chosen at random, or did it belong to your mother?"
    "Yes," I say curtly, not wishing to discuss my mother or myself at all.
    "Yes it was random, or yes it was your mother's?"
    I sigh. "Yes it was my mother's. Now, can we not talk please?"
    He raises an eyebrow. "Touched on a sensitive subject, have I?"
    I stand, dusting off my pants. "Isn't it time to get going? We only have a few more hours until dusk."
    He shrugs and stands. "If you say so, Princess."
    "My name's not Princess," I hiss at his back as we both mount the horse once again.
    He just laughs.
    Infuriating man.
    It's a long ride to wherever he's taking me. We travel through woods, avoiding roads and open areas. He's hiding from someone, or being extra cautious. But we're in the Outlands. He's Fae. What's he got to hide from? My questions yield nothing but more questions from him.
    "Do you feel more loyalty to the Fae or vampire?" he asks.
    "Neither. I'm loyal to myself and those I love." Included amongst that list is a vampire, a Shade and a human girl, though I don't tell him that.
    "Why do you not support your own people more?" he asks.
    "I assume you're talking about Fae? But how are they any more my people than the vampire? I wasn't turned. I was born this way. And while I might not have much position in the vampire world, at least I'm not outright shunned like I have been from those who are Fae. Your race is elitist and unwelcoming to anyone not pure blood," I say. "Perhaps you should be asking why my people aren't more supportive of me."
    Tavian clicks his tongue and his horse responds, taking a left toward the sound of running water. "It is true, our people have not always been the most… tolerant, shall we say? But it seems as if that might be changing, if the new Midnight Star is any indication."
    "There's a new Midnight Star?" That's news to me. I know the stories, more or less. That the Midnight Star is one born of Royal Fae blood, and it's their magic that awakens the Druids and the magic of the Fae. But the Fae haven't had a Midnight Star

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