Enough Isn't Everything (Everything Trilogy)

Free Enough Isn't Everything (Everything Trilogy) by K.L. Shandwick

Book: Enough Isn't Everything (Everything Trilogy) by K.L. Shandwick Read Free Book Online
Authors: K.L. Shandwick
distraction was futile, it just increased my arousal.
    “I can’t…” I whimpered.
    Alfie stared into my eyes . “Hold it, Lily. I want to come with you.”
    The concentration pulled  his face into an agonizing expression. My head was swimming as I tried to hold the flood of ecstasy back. He pounded into me so ferociously again and again, and I tried desperately to hold on. My fingers were digging into the chair fabric. “I can’t…”
    M y legs began to quiver with my impending climax that I was losing control over, when I heard Alfie say, “Let it go Lily.”
    I didn’t need him to repeat it. Suddenly I was screaming his name again. We were both shuddering and bucking at the same time, pure bliss in his eyes that didn’t close. His abs contracted and relaxed as his orgasm tore through him.
    His smile was so beautiful with his amazing dimple. It made me feel weak watching him as he gazed back at me with his sexy just fucked hair. He lo oked perfect.
    I kept  trying to rock him, and he bit his bottom lip as I milked the last drop of come from him. He fell backwards, and pulled out of me in one fell sweep, and I fell on my ass.
    Alfie raised his head, one eye peering over at me, the other closed, and chuckled sheepishly, before collapsing back on the bed. “Sorry…did the earth move for you too, honey?” he said playfully. He stretched his arms lazily above his head and let out a deep sigh that sounded like contentment. I pulled myself up off the floor.
    I smacked his thigh for letting me fall. His eyes widened playfully . “Oh kinky! I love it! But I’m a little tired right now honey, can we do that another time?” He grinned wickedly at me and closed his eyes again. I loved his funny, playful side; it only made him cuter.
    I  stood up a little shakily and padded over to his bathroom. My hips, legs, and lady parts ached. Alfie was lying there, his cock all shrunken, and his condom still in place. It looked like an old sock hanging off him.
    I smirked at how this hot guy could make himself look so ridiculous in a split second. I was tempted to get my camera out, but I’d have hated if he’d done that to me.
    As I closed the  bathroom door, I heard him say, “Damn it! I’m in trouble.” In a softer tone he said, “Shit… pity I can’t love you, Lily.”
    I fixed myself up quickly, snagging a quick shower for myself and leaned against the tile as the water sprayed down on me. I felt a slight pang of hurt, unsure what he meant by his last comment,   and I tried not to overthink things.
    Wrapping myself with a small towel, I cracked open the bathroom door to see Alfie sound asleep. He had passed out. His breathing was slow, and he lay flat out in the same position I had left him in, minus the condom.
    I didn’t disturb him, but leaned over and switched the nightstand lamp off, before letting myself out.
    By the time I arrived home, I was too tired to think about what I had done and fell into bed. When I woke up it was still dark. Turning on the nightstand light, I went to pee and caught sight of my naked form in front of the floor length mirror. I didn’t look any different considering what I’d done earlier.
    My inexperience in the bedroom had me doubting whether Alfie would want to do that with me again. He may not want to continue with our arrangement. I mean I just kind of la id there.
    It was clear he’d had  a lot of sex in the past from the way he teased my body. Even with my novice status, I could appreciate how much control it took for him to hold back with me like that.
    Maybe I wouldn’t be enough for him, and he’d move on to someone with more experience before giving me the chance to learn how to please him properly. From my perspective, he more than lived up to my expectations. The sexual chemistry and tension between us was almost tangible.
    His strong sexy body, talented mouth, and magical hands had taken me to a place I never imagined existed when I thought of

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