The Renegade Returns (Mill Town Millionaires)

Free The Renegade Returns (Mill Town Millionaires) by Dani Wade

Book: The Renegade Returns (Mill Town Millionaires) by Dani Wade Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dani Wade
his cane fall to the ground and grasped the tire on either side of her. His balance held steady as he got her moving. Avery caught her breath with the first swoop. Luke grinned. The sound lent strength to his pushes, making her soar.
    For long moments, the only thing heard was the creak of the rope, the rustle of leaves in the tree and the sound of their breath. Then something new joined in—slow at first, but gathering speed. The sound of her enjoyment, laughter mixed with a sort of breathlessness that radiated in his soul.
    He had a vivid memory of that same sensation, the first time he could remember feeling it. His first time behind the wheel, alone in a car. Following the road to the deserted outskirts of town, and indulging in his need for speed. He hadn’t reached racing heights, or even come close, but it had been his first taste, leaving him hungry for more.
    With each push her breath caught, then laughter sprung forth as she reached the apex and hung suspended a moment before rushing back down. He backed up to give her more room, just enjoying the show. Her indulgence lit him up inside, mixing with lingering passion. Almost as if he were living vicariously through her.
    No. He’d always lived his own life, on his own terms. But he could still enjoy her journey, right?
    So he let the sound of her flow over him, through him—letting his eyes slip closed to hold it inside. Then a small cry and wham !
    The weight against his chest toppled his balance. Luckily he’d been trained to fall. His body instinctively rolled along one side rather than slam down, but he lay disoriented for a moment. Within seconds he heard feet running in his direction.
    “Luke? Luke, are you hurt?”
    Avery’s breathlessness only made him want to take her breath away in a whole other manner. The warmth of palms meeting his pants-clad legs and seeking upward took his own breath away. He peeked at her. “If I say yes, can I get a massage?”
    She loomed closer. “Are you kidding me?”
    He ignored her exasperated tone, the dull pain in his hips, and focused on the red of her full lips in the darkness and the wealth of hair like a waterfall as she leaned over him. There was no stopping himself. No talking himself out of it. Before he thought, his hand was buried in her hair, and he was pulling her down, closer to where he wanted her.
    Then their lips met, and Luke sank into a world of sensation. So soft. So smooth. The taste of sugar and chocolate. Her lips parted. Tentatively her tongue swept against his and he was lost. Need exploded through his body, draining his control. He retreated, sucking in much-needed air.
    Only then did he register that sweet palm still high on his thigh, just inches from where he wanted it. Avery seemed oblivious. “Are you okay?” she asked again.
    “I swear, if you ask me that one more time, I’m going to flip you over and show you just how okay I am.”
    Just like that, the hand was gone. Damn shame, but probably for the best right now.
    He’d veered onto a dangerous road tonight—led astray by her inherent beauty and his own need for adventure—and he hadn’t applied the brakes in time.
    Knowing himself, he wasn’t sure he could stop now. And his next crash might leave more damage than his last.

    I f looks could kill, Luke Blackstone would be deader than a doornail.
    He hadn’t expected resistance to his appearance at the mill, since his brothers had already reestablished the Blackstone family presence. But with one look, Mark Zabinski had made his feelings toward Luke clear.
    “I’m glad you came in, Luke,” Jacob was saying. He turned back toward the employees in the office. “Everyone, I’m sure you know my brother Luke. He’ll be joining us as a partner, so he wanted to take some time to learn more about operations.”
    The secretaries in the office smiled and welcomed him. The daytime shift manager shook his hand. The dagger look from Mark had been quickly suppressed, but a frown

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