The Brass Ring

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Book: The Brass Ring by Mavis Applewater Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mavis Applewater
Tags: Fiction, Suspense, Erótica, Romance, Gay, non lu, Lesbian
her body temperature rise slightly. Her crystal blue eyes widened as she watched the petite blonde step shyly into the room.
    "It isn’t Stevie," Jamie announced carefully.
    "I can see that," CC concurred, a slight bitterness creeping into her voice.
    "Stevie took Emma to the doctor," Jamie continued in an uneasy tone as she stared at the floor.
    CC started to lift herself off the bed, her head pounding violently from the quickness of her action. "Ouch," she moaned as two hands placed themselves on her shoulders. "I need to go with her," CC protested as Jamie pushed her back down onto the bed.
    "She’s already left," Jamie explained as she sat on the edge of the queen-size bed. "I took a look at Emma and it looks like she has an ear infection. I sent Stevie to pediatrician I know and trust."
    "Is that serious?" CC asked impatiently. "Ear infections?"
    "No," Jamie reassured her. "It’s quite common."
    CC lay back down, crossing her arms over her chest. She was trying to understand why was Jamie there. They sat there in a deafening silence. CC stared up at the ceiling as Jamie sat on the edge of the bed with her back to her. "I need to get my car at some point," CC muttered absently in an effort to break the silence.
    "Me too," Jamie stammered.
    "Why are you here?" CC finally asked as she braced herself for another outburst.
    "Stevie took me out to the woodshed." Jamie chuckled slightly, still keeping her back to CC.
    "Huh?" CC said as she shook her head. Her movements sent another jolt of pain through her head. "Ouch," she exclaimed as she began to rub her temples. "Never again," she moaned in agony. "Jose Cuervo and I are not friends."
    "Stevie told me what happened," Jamie continued, the sadness evident in her voice.
    "So did I," CC noted with a hint of bitterness.
    "I know," Jamie conceded.
    "Now you know." CC sighed. "Why didn’t you believe me?" CC’s voice grew harsh. "I was in love with you."
    "I didn’t know that," Jamie explained as she finally turned to her. CC’s heart dropped as she took in Jamie’s drawn features and puffy eyes. "I thought you had used me."
    "I didn’t," CC replied softly as she took Jamie’s hand.
    "Why didn’t you tell me sooner?" Jamie whimpered. "God, CC! You were all alone."
    CC couldn’t stand to see Jamie hurting. She reached up and pulled her former lover down. Jamie instinctively curled up next to her and CC wrapped her arms around the smaller woman. "By the time I found you, it was too late," CC explained. "You had moved on and I doubted that you’d believe me."
    "Losing you hurt so much." Jamie sniffed. "I never really trusted anyone after that," Jamie said as she snuggled closer.
    "Neither did I," CC confessed as she allowed her body to relax and enjoy the warmth of Jamie’s body. "It’s over," CC offered tenderly as she rubbed Jamie’s back. Her stomach clenched as Jamie’s hand slipped under her T-shirt. "Maybe now we can save our friendship," CC said hopefully. Her skin tingled as Jamie rubbed her abdomen.
    "I would like to try," Jamie responded honestly.
    CC wondered why she had suggested friendship. The smell of Jamie’s shampoo was invading her senses. The feel of Jamie’s hand was causing her stomach to flutter. Not to mention they were lying so close together that CC could feel Jamie’s breath on her skin. At that moment, friendship was the last thing on her mind.
    Her body tensed as she fought against the sudden awakening of her libido. Jamie lifted her head and looked at her questioningly. CC watched as the blonde opened her mouth to speak. Their eyes locked. Before she could think or stop herself, she kissed Jamie.
    Their lips and bodies instantly melted together. CC could feel the years of anger and mistrust fading as their tongues met. The kiss deepened slowly as their bodies pressed together. There was nothing hurried in their movements. They explored the warmth of each other’s mouth as their hands slowly and softly caressed each other’s

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