
Free Reflection by Jayme L Townsend

Book: Reflection by Jayme L Townsend Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jayme L Townsend
go back to the sitting room; I slump down in the chair.
    “So everything ok with you and Adam?” my Dad asks
    “I’m not sure, I need to think” I stand back up “I’m off to bed, see you tomorrow”
    Chapter 17
    I have a restless night and eventually go to sleep as the sun is rising. Mum wakes me at 11am and I race around getting ready to meet Adam at noon.
    I walk to village and on to the B & B, as I reach it I can see Adam sat outside on a bench his head is in his hands, as I get closer I call his name, he looks up
    “Liv, I thought you weren’t coming”
    “Sorry I’m late, I didn’t sleep very well”
    “What would you like to do?”
    I know what my body would like to do, my heart as well “Shall we go for a walk?” I suggest
    He stands and walks towards me and takes my hand, we walk down through the village and I decide to show him Plum Tree Cottage. It’s quite a long walk but I’m in no hurry for him to leave, I tell him that Bernard left it to me and that I am going to renovate, luckily I have the keys so we go into to the cottage. I give Adam the guided tour and show him what I plan to do. We find a bottle of whiskey and two tea cups, I pour us both a shot and we knock them back, I’m dancing round the kitchen as the whiskey burns my throat much to Adam’s amusement, we sit at the old kitchen table, I drink another shot this time the burn is not so bad.
    “So how are you going to renovate, are you taking another mortgage?”
    Shit I have to tell him “No I’m not, I have some savings so I should be ok” I say as I stand and walk to the kitchen window, I hear him stand too as he comes up behind me
    “Liv” he says as he moves my hair over my shoulder and I feel his lips on the back of my neck, he must feel me shiver as he touches me, the whiskey must have taken my senses away as I lean my head to the side giving him better access to my neck, he wastes no time, kissing, licking and sucking my neck, his hands are running all over my body and I am lost to his touch,  I realise my jumper has gone when I feel him undo my bra, I watch as it lands on the floor with the jumper, he gently turns me around and looks at me, I watch as his eyes lower
    “Fuck Liv, you are so beautiful”
    He picks me up and carries me to the sitting room, I kick my shoes off as he gently lowers me to the sofa, he kneels either side of my legs and removes my jeans and panties, I lie naked while he is fully dressed, my eyes don’t leave him as he stands and removes his clothes piece by piece, almost like my very own strip show, he stands there naked looking at me while I can’t take my eyes off the beautiful masterpiece, no matter what I do to this cottage the sight will never be this good again. I hold my arms out to him and watch as he climbs back on the sofa and back between my legs only this time lowering to kiss me.
    He makes love to me slowly taking his time to show me he loves me, I feel the tears running down my cheeks as he slowly lowers and rests on me to catch his breath. He lifts his head and sees my tears
    “Shit Liv, did I hurt you?”
    “No” his hands come up to my face and wipes the tears away
    “What’s wrong then?”
    “I’m not coming back Adam”
    “What do you mean, you are not coming back?”
    “I have put my apartment up for sale, Hannah has been promoted, I’m not coming back I’m staying here”
    “Shit Liv what about us?”
    “I know but I have to do what feels right, I love you and always will but I can’t go back”
    “What so that it, it’s over between us?”
    “It would never work, you being in the city and me being here” I watch as he stands and starts to dress
    “I can’t believe you Liv, I gave you time, I told you the story surely you know I love you”
    “Yes, but it won’t work Adam, you spend a lot of time at work and I just can’t go back, I had forgotten how much I love it here”
    “Get dressed Liv” he almost shouts at me, I pull my

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