7 Years Bad Sex

Free 7 Years Bad Sex by Nicky Wells

Book: 7 Years Bad Sex by Nicky Wells Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicky Wells
pressed into her thigh, and she pushed against it eagerly.
    ‘I told you we’ll fix this,’ Alex repeated. ‘I want it. Do you want it?’
    ‘Oh gosh, I do.’ Casey didn’t care how trite that sounded. ‘I do. But…’
    ‘But what?’
    ‘But what if the house has fallen down, or there’s a flood, or a pair of burglars are doing unspeakable things on our bed?’
    Alex laughed out loud. ‘We’ll deal with it.’
    ‘And what if…’ Casey hesitated.
    ‘What if what?’
    ‘What if it doesn’t work again?’
    Alex tilted his head. ‘We’ll deal with that, too.’
    By way of response, Alex ground himself harder into Casey. ‘We’ll figure something out.’
    ‘Promise. But first, let’s dance. Let’s enjoy ourselves. Let’s have fun with our friends. Let’s take the focus away from the other thing. Maybe it’ll work if we pretend we don’t want it.’
    It was Casey’s turn to laugh. ‘Pretend we don’t want it at all? I like it. Reverse psychology is the one thing we haven’t tried. Let’s go for it.’ She stepped out of Alex’s embrace and made a shooing gesture with her hands. ‘Be off with you and make merry with our friends. Just…’ She lowered her voice a little. ‘Just don’t drink too much. You know…’
    ‘I know. And you too.’
    Casey shook her head. That was why she loved Alex, for these flashes of sensitivity and caring. Well, among other things. But really, what a turn-up for the books. They had very nearly had a proper conversation, and they had more or less agreed on a plan of action. That had to be a good thing. Channels of communication were being opened. They would conquer this… this thing that had befallen them. And for now, they would pretend they didn’t want it at all. What a grand idea.

Chapter Five:
    Dress for Success
    Of course, pretending we didn’t want it didn’t work. It was a dumb idea.
    Alex stood in the shower—alone—and tried hard to ignore the urge to satisfy himself. That would have felt like a betrayal of sorts, but oh man, he could have done with the release. All through the afternoon and evening, he and Casey had played coy with each other, and their excitement had shone around them like a visible aura. Or, at least, so it had seemed to him. He had worked hard at not forgetting himself at the drinks table, and he was practically sober when he, at long last, carried Casey over the threshold of their house for the second time in as many days. They were both drooling with desire and pretending they weren’t.
    Everything had looked really promising, but when it came down to it, it hadn’t worked. Again . Their love-making was like a firework that had its fuse lit but failed to explode.
    Casey was the first to give up. ‘Hey ho, never fear,’ she exclaimed. ‘Let’s open a bottle of wine at long last and watch a movie.’
    ‘Christ, Casey!’ Alex exploded. ‘We’re newlyweds, not geriatrics approaching our ruby anniversary. We should be at it like rabbits.’
    ‘And you think I don’t know that?’ Casey shot back, clearly mardy now. ‘What do you suggest we do? Flog a dead horse until it miraculously rides again? It ain’t happening.’ She poked his flaccid appendage, and he didn’t feel a thing. Embarrassed, he raked a hand through his hair.
    ‘I’m sorry for shouting. I don’t know what’s come over me. I don’t know what’s going on. I’m sorry.’
    ‘Me too.’ Casey snuggled up to him and searched his face with her eyes. She longed to talk , he could see that, but he wasn’t in the mood. The few words he had managed at their surprise party earlier were as much as he could manage at this stage. He was frightened what would happen if they lifted the lid off Pandora’s box in earnest. So instead he retreated into the shower. But man, he was so needy .
    Perhaps… Perhaps the idea of a movie wasn’t such a bad one, he suddenly thought. He had some X-rated material

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