Sky Ghosts: All for One (Young Adult Urban Fantasy Adventure) (Sky Ghosts Series Book 1)

Free Sky Ghosts: All for One (Young Adult Urban Fantasy Adventure) (Sky Ghosts Series Book 1) by Alexandra Engellmann

Book: Sky Ghosts: All for One (Young Adult Urban Fantasy Adventure) (Sky Ghosts Series Book 1) by Alexandra Engellmann Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alexandra Engellmann
partners was more effective. This way they could get used to fighting against opponents of all sizes and kinds.
    She and Ryan took out their swords now and began to practice while Marco and Pain seemed to have a break from their crazy battle, only because he got mad at her. He was hovering under the ceiling, his eyes fixed on Pain down on the floor, his expression angry.
    “Would you get down already?? I said I’m sorry!” she called out in an exasperated tone, putting her fists on her hips, as if she knew it could take a while.
    “I ain’t coming down! Forget about me!” he snapped.
    “It was nowhere near your head! Stop freaking out!”
    “It touched my hair!!” he yelled, pointing his finger at the Mohawk.
    “You ain’t got no hair, dummy! You’re overreacting!” she retorted.
    “You and your katana! I told you to never, ever do that in front of me, and you never do what you’re told, and now you want me to come down? Like hell I will while that thing is still there with you!” he grumbled, his indignant voice echoing high above them. Pain watched him fly back and forth, her expression annoyed, her boot tapping a nervous rhythm on the floor. “ Marco! I wanna show you a cool trick! ” he squealed to himself, imitating her voice. “Look how I cut your ear off, tripping on my own feet!” he bawled, turning back to her with an accusing look.
    She only exhaled with exaggerated weariness. A minute passed in silence before she gave up.
    “Okay, let’s just practice some hand-to-hand then!” she suggested and unbuckled her back sheath. “See? I took it off, katana goes away.” She laid it on one of the benches, not taking her eyes off Marco.
    He paused, assessing her actions with a narrow look. She didn’t seem to be trying to trick him, though, so he lowered to the floor, slowly and deliberately.
    “Fine!” He came up to her and unbuckled his belt, taking off his scabbard. “Do that again, and I swear, I’ll tie up those teeny-weeny hands of yours and spank you like the bad, bad girl that you are,” he threatened, stabbing a finger at her chest.
    While both Dave and Chad expected a toxic comeback, she only blinked at him innocently, rocking on the balls of her feet, hands behind her back, like a little girl.
    “Okay,” was all she said.
    Marco drew back, suspicious.
    “Okay? That’s it? You won’t argue, won’t mind?” he asked, obviously at a loss.
    The corners of her lips quirked in a little smile.
    “Nope,” she said, not taking her gaze from Marco’s eyes. Something definitely was off about that face of hers, Dave thought, only he didn’t know what.
    Marco’s face stretched out into a satisfied grin at that.
    “Goooood,” he drawled, stepping closer to her with his arm coming around her shoulders. “So, been thinking about some S&M lately, huh?” he asked, cocking an eyebrow.
    And then, before he could react, she grabbed the arm on her shoulder and jerked it to the side, sending him flying with his feet in the air, only to bang him flat on his side against the floor, hard.
    “What have I told you about focusing??” she snapped. “Fuckin’ concentrate! You’re not taking it seriously, Marco! You should always, always be on the alert!” she bawled out furiously, like a raging marine captain, and the guys grimaced, watching Marco’s painful expression.
    “Ouch!” he complained, sitting up. “Why so brutal?? Jeez, I banged my head!” He was looking at her cautiously now, struggling into the upright position with his long arms and legs.
    “Good! It’ll be a lesson!” she said, folding her arms. “Now get me a couple of those mats, we’ve wasted enough time for today.” She jerked her head toward a pile of mats in the corner.
    Marco didn’t even attempt on doing what she said. He advanced on her instead, head low, like a bull.
    “Oh, I’ll get you mats, little annoying woman,” he muttered and leaped, suddenly gaining speed and catching her by the foot when she

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