Kiss Across Time (Kiss Across Time Series)

Free Kiss Across Time (Kiss Across Time Series) by Tracy Cooper-Posey

Book: Kiss Across Time (Kiss Across Time Series) by Tracy Cooper-Posey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tracy Cooper-Posey
Tags: Romance
told her. “There’s too much about this we don’t know.” He glanced at Veris questioningly.
    Veris shook his head. “I don’t know either.” He spoke slowly, as if he were puzzling through ideas as he spoke.
    Taylor stifled a yawn.
    Instantly, they both turned to her and gathered her in their arms. She was tucked beneath the sheets and their long bodies bracketed hers before she could gather the energy to protest. But she really didn’t want to protest, if tiredness produced this result. She could hardly think of a more comfortable way of falling asleep.
    She snuggled against Brody’s chest as he stroked her brow, soothing her into sleep and looked up at Veris. “You’re spoiling me.”
    “I hope so,” Veris said, his eyes dancing. “How else can we convince you to stay?”
    Sleep was already claiming her, or she was sure his words would have caused more alarm, or at least more surprise. Instead she felt nothing but inevitability.
    “Tell me, Taylor,” Veris murmured. “The one thing you wouldn’t share when we spoke last week. Why have you spent seven years on this academic fool’s errand, trying to prove the existence of Inigo Domhnall?”
    “You’ll laugh,” she murmured, her eyes slipping shut.
    “After all we’ve seen in our lives? Try us,” he coaxed.
    She reached back in her mind to the old memories. “So long ago,” she murmured. “My father’s business partner. Twenty years ago. He would come to dinner and tell stories about King Arthur. Stories that I’d never heard before, or heard ever since. He told me they were stories written by a man call Inigo Domhnall, who lived in King Arthur’s castle. I remember those stories as if he’d told them to me yesterday…”
    She must have slept a little for she woke up with a small jerk. She was alone in the bed and from beyond the room, she could hear Veris and Brody talking in hot, angry, low voices. From the shadows moving across the doorway, she could see they were gesturing too. Tempers were high.
    But sleep was grabbing at her. She was too short on sleep and they had spent centuries resolving differences. Her problems would wait.
    A little later she woke again and felt a big male body curled around hers. She didn’t care which. She smiled, pushed back into him so that her ass was against his pelvis. A hand curled over her breast. Long fingers.
    She sighed. Sleep instantly reclaimed her.
    She woke slowly, the third time, to the feel of Brody’s hand on her breast, stroking the nipple erect, his lips nuzzling her neck.
    “She’s everything we could have asked for,” Brody whispered. “And then some.” There was a note in his voice than made her heart ache.
    “I know, Brody.” Veris’ voice was filled with terrible wisdom. Then, “I think she’s awake.”
    “I don’t care.” Brody’s hand shifted and brushed her temple. “Taylor?”
    “I am awake,” she confessed and opened her eyes. “What time is it?”
    “Eleven in the morning,” Veris told her, his blue eyes drilling into hers.
    “Aren’t you going to ask what we’re talking about?” Brody said, sitting up so he could look at her face.
    “No, she’s not,” Veris told him, his gaze steady on her face.
    She swallowed. “I can hear pain in your voices. Why would I add to it by probing?”
    The pair of them exchanged another look.
    “I see you two have sorted out your differences,” she said sleepily.
    Veris looked startled, then annoyed. “We woke you, last night.”
    “How much did you hear?” The question had an edge to it and made Taylor wake up a little more.
    She tried to sit up and Brody helped her. “I deliberately didn’t listen,” she said. “Why? Was it about me?” Her heart lurched.
    “Indirectly.” Veris pushed his hand through his hair. “Taylor, we must ask you to do something for us. Something that is rarely done among our kind.”
    Taylor gripped her hands together, sensing that this was part of what they had

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