Carinae Sector: 01 - Traders' Scourge - Part 3 - New Shores

Free Carinae Sector: 01 - Traders' Scourge - Part 3 - New Shores by David Buck

Book: Carinae Sector: 01 - Traders' Scourge - Part 3 - New Shores by David Buck Read Free Book Online
Authors: David Buck
world. She knew that they still had remained unchanged for eons. However the probe was not exactly forthcoming on the intermediate steps she decided, as she now switched to other subjects that she needed advice upon.
    ‘Sector delegate, before you leave, what do you think of the inventory I have obtained from the Traders recently?’
    The senior Maveen probe carefully scanned the large cruiser gun now cradled in a diagnostics bay before making a series of telling observations. In light of what the cruiser gun implied he was looking forward to later debriefing the Dradfer lead probe and the Earth lead probe after they left this world.

Chapter 4
    Ian Ridge looked across the meeting room at the assembled scientists as they viewed the data coming from the off world video feed. Steve had taken Ian and the scientists back to the Aurora Discovery at the end of the day as the Traders continued to repair their ship. Several of the scientists in the mission team looked thoughtful as they perused the notes they had taken from their discussions with the Traders.
    Ian slowly ate his dinner and responded to occasional comments from the mission team over the video feed. A short but hair raising encounter with a giant lizard caught via SAS helmet cameras had broken the tedium of mankind’s first steps outside the solar system. Rebecca had caught his eye after the excitement and then commented to Dan beside her. Dan had then left with Steve for a moment and no doubt they were planning to reconvene the meeting shortly.
    Ian was following an interrupted feed that showed several scientists setting up hides and live traps when Dan and Steve returned. Steve spoke quietly to Ian and the assembled scientists as he turned down the volume on the video feed.
    ‘Prime Minister, I have several concerns that we need to discuss before the end of the day. This is because the first reports from Barede lead to more questions about the Maveen in particular. Also Dan and I have concerns on key areas where we could protect our interests after speaking with Captain Narindestat.’
    The scientists quickly stopped their own discussions as the meeting commenced again. Rebecca now addressed the meeting with her concerns by hauling up slides of the Maveen and several other pictures.
    ‘I have a serious question to ask that we should resolve if we can tomorrow when we return to the island, and I will step you through the back ground.’
    Ian Ridge sat back to listen patiently as Rebecca continued with her outline to the science team.
    ‘The first item to consider is the Maveen themselves, here is a picture of the Maveen sub probes and you will notice their shape and the markings on their limbs. The next picture is one of ancient rock art that closely resembles the sub probes, and several of my other pictures highlight this resemblance. The context of the art alludes to travellers and creators, and they are revered amongst my people. Now I consider this context is important, and I think that this relates back to the Maveen when they visited our world in our prehistory.’
    Rebecca paused for several moments as she politely waited for a response from her colleagues. Ian Ridge gave her a grateful smile for bringing this matter to their attention before he replied.
    ‘Well it also places the interpretation of our ancient culture in a different light. We should consider it fortuitous that we spotted the resemblance.’
    Sanjay was the next one to speak and he appeared to be thoughtful in his reply.
    ‘I can see what you are saying, and if you factor in the news of the flora and fauna on Barede then your case becomes quite compelling. However we really need more information.’
    Several of the other scientists looked around the room and nodded in agreement at one another.
    Vladimir Stenin, who usually kept quiet, offered a wry grin on

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