Pecan Pie and Deadly Lies (An Adams Grove Novel)

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Book: Pecan Pie and Deadly Lies (An Adams Grove Novel) by Nancy Naigle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nancy Naigle
and looked off. “Scott’s a good friend. He’d like to be more and I’ve tried, but I just don’t feel it. It might be that I’ve had my one true love and if that’s the way it is, I wouldn’t trade one day of what I had with Nick to have another chance.”
    “That’s really special,” he said. “Does someone ever get over losing a love like that?”
    “I’ve asked myself that very question a hundred times. Maybe I don’t want to be over it. Jake and I, we’re finding a new peace, and I think the slower pace of Adams Grove has helped.” She slapped her hands on her thighs. “So, geez, this is heavy talk. What’s on the itinerary for today?”
    “I’m trying to figure that out. Pete’s going to rent a car to go up to his parents’ house; it’s their wedding anniversary. I’m going to head to Raleigh. I wanted to check with you before I told the guys they’d be here through Sunday. It’s a big favor, I know.”
    “That’s fine by me,” Kasey said. “Where are you heading Sunday?”
    “Texas. Arty got me a commercial. Chevy pickup trucks. Should be fun. I wrote a song for it, but I’m in the commercial too.”
    “That’s perfect casting.” She could easily picture all six foot four of him filling up the cab of a big ol’ pickup truck smiling for the camera. He had movie-star good looks. Too bad other than concerts you didn’t see much of him. He was private that way, but she did know how much he loved trucks, so it probably hadn’t been hard to talk him into it.
    I’d have loved to have gotten the contract to do the stills on that.
But just as quickly as the thought came, she pushed it aside. Those days were coming to an end.
    “All right. Well, I’ll probably head out to surprise Lou later this afternoon,” Cody said.
    “Tell Pete if he doesn’t mind waiting until Riley picks up Jake this afternoon, I’ll take him up to his parents’ houseand then I’ll shoot over to Arty’s. It wouldn’t be all that far out of the way and it’ll break up my drive.”
    “I’ll let him know.” Cody was feeling even less inclined by the minute to go see Lou today.
    “I’m ready, Mom,” Jake called from the living room.
    “Okay. I’m coming.” She drank the last sip of coffee from her mug and stood. “I’ve got to take him to school.” She took two steps toward the living room, then stopped and turned. “You wouldn’t want to ride along, would you?”
    “I’d love it.”
    “Come on, then.”
    “Want me to drive?” he asked as he followed her into the front of the house.
    She raised a brow. “Not unless you don’t trust my driving.”
    “Hi! I didn’t know you were here.” Jake looked excited. “Are you riding to school with us?”
    “I am if you’re okay with it.”
    “Yeah! Can we ride in your bus instead of Mom’s car?”
    Kasey said, “Not today. Some of the guys are still sleeping on the bus.”
    “Oh. Someday?” Jake added, “Please?”
    “I tell ya what, one of these days I’ll even let you drive the bus on my lap. Is that a deal?”
    “Yes. I like that deal.” Jake climbed into the car with his lunch box and backpack.
    Kasey spoke across the top of the car. “You know you have to keep promises you make to these kids. They don’t forget a thing.”
    “Cool by me.” Cody leaned in and whispered to Jake. “Is she a good driver, Jake?”
    “My mom’s a really good driver,” he said. “She got a ticket once though.”
    Cody closed the back door and got into the passenger seat.
    “Only one ticket?” Cody eyed her. “Ever?”
    She shrugged, trying to look innocent as she started the car and headed toward the school.
    Jake played the role of tour director, pointing out local landmarks as they drove through town. He even explained each of the crops and how the train tracks weren’t really used anymore.
    When Kasey pulled into the parking area, a blue shirted “helper” met them at the car. She buddied Jake up with another child and collected more

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