Pecan Pie and Deadly Lies (An Adams Grove Novel)

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Book: Pecan Pie and Deadly Lies (An Adams Grove Novel) by Nancy Naigle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nancy Naigle
students as she headed toward the school leading the train of linked children.
    Kasey leaned forward over the steering wheel watching Jake all the way to the door of the school. “He’s growing up so fast.” She put the car in gear and backed out of the parking space. “If you’re not in a huge hurry, and you’re hungry, Mac’s Bakery has the best bear claws I’ve had anywhere in the country. Want to pick some up for the guys?”
    “They’d love it.”
    “Great. I’ll give you a little tour of my new hometown.” She turned down Main Street and cruised up the block. She slowed down in front of the brightly painted orange building. “Do you mind if I stop here for just a minute?”
    “No. I’m not in any hurry.”
    “Awesome.” She pulled the car next to the curb in front of the vacant storefront on Main Street. She got out and peered in the window, then jotted down the phone number from the F OR S ALE OR L EASE sign propped in the window.
    Cody got out and followed along. “Are you opening a photography studio or something?”
    “Maybe a frame shop.” She turned and looked at him, her cheeks reddened. “I have to figure something out now that Jake is in school.” She peered through the window again.
    “But you love those photo shoots.”
    She turned and let out a breath. “I do, but I love my son more.”
    “You could get a nanny.”
    She looked doubtful.
    “It’s not that crazy an idea. People do it all the time.”
    “Not people like me.”
    “Maybe there’s another creative solution that wouldn’t mean giving up the photography. It’s such a big part of who you are. If the nanny isn’t appealing, maybe you homeschool Jake on the road, or put him in a boarding school with some flexibility during those times you travel. I have friends that take their kids on the road. There are other options.”
    “In case you hadn’t noticed, I’m not rock-star rich like you.”
    “You do okay.”
    “I’ll figure something out. I’ll do whatever it takes to do the right thing by Jake.”
    “I know you will. Just don’t rush it. Something will work out. It always does.”
    “I hope you’re right,” she said as she walked back to the car.
    They got in and she drove up to the next block and parked in front of Mac’s Bakery. The bright blue awning shaded the arched letters on the glass.
    “That smells great,” Cody said.
    “Wait until you taste the bear claws.” She took the keys from the ignition. “Do you want to wait here?”
    “Why? You embarrassed to be seen with me?”
    She laughed. “Hardly. I just thought you might want to keep your visit to Adams Grove on the down-low.”
    “No. Don’t be silly.” He stepped out of the car and walked inside with her. The kid behind the counter was probably in his midtwenties and it was obvious he recognized Cody. His eyes darted back and forth between Cody and Kasey.
    “Yes, Derek. It is who you think it is,” Kasey said.
    Derek wiped his hands on his apron. “Cody Tuggle?”
    Cody shook Derek’s hand. “Nice to meet you, Derek. I hear you have the best bear claws in the world.”
    “My dad’s recipe. Yeah. They’re a town favorite. We sell more of those than anything else. My specialty is the cakes.”
    Cody shoved his hand into his front pocket. “Can you get us a dozen of those famous bear claws to go?”
    “Yes sir.” Derek ran to the back and came out with two white boxes. “Here you go. On the house.”
    “No. No way.” Cody peeled off a couple of twenties and placed them on the counter. “Thank you. I appreciate the thought, but I’ve got this.”
    “Would you mind autographing something for me? You know, just to prove you were here?”
    “Sure. What do you want me to sign?”
    Derek looked around, and then grabbed a big circular piece of cardboard that he used underneath tiered cakes. “How about this?”
    “Got a pen?”
    Derek handed him the whole pencil cup.
    Cody took out a marker and began to write and then stopped.

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